Wow, haven't posted in over a year...

Mar 02, 2010 22:12 it's as good a time as any to post what's what.

Still unemployed. But on a college track! I registered for classes today. Just simple stuff to start with until I get used to college. My placement test put me in Math 60 (ugh), Writing 121 (yay), and I tested out of needing a reading class (my comprehension is that good or something?). So I decided to register for the first two as a start. I still needed four more credits for full-time status (because, hey, I have a ton of free time), so I registered for *drumroll*...first year Russian. We'll see how it goes.

Unhappily, however, the writing class I want is currently waitlisted. Today is the first day of registration for new students, though, so maybe once the dust and hay from everyone registering settles down, we'll see what happens. I only want to commute out to the campus two days a week, damn it!

Other news:

The car I bought in summer of 2006 is still going, without requiring any real major work (besides voluntarily opting for new brakes) between then and now. Even better, I've owned it outright for a while. Here's to the expectation of it continuing to go without incident.

Klinky got let go from his job at Netflix, pretty much due to them being dicks.

Got some Gosling's Black Seal rum recently. Pretty damn good, so I recommend it.

Otherwise, not much else that is interesting is going on. If you're bored or insane or whatnot, check out It's the only site on the Internet that isn't swamped with traffic!
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