Originally published at
K.T. Hanna - The Scribble Muse. You can comment here or
So we took a little break in October. It did the world of good for me. Now we’re back with vengeance in November for
Everyone’s name should link to their website, and their twitter handle to their twitter handle. This month, we have 14 participants! It’s great to have everyone on board. Some of our regulars needed to take a hiatus, but will be back soon. Get ready to cheer each other on!
This was the
initial sign up page if you’d like to nab the badge! Please remember to give credit for the image.
If there are any suggestions anyone has for making #writemotivation work better for them/us/writing, just let me know and I’ll try to incorporate them. I really have to thank everyone who helps cheer each other on month after month. Putting my goals out there to hold myself accountable is invaluable - I hope this works for other people too.
Please note: even if you aren’t signed up for #writemotivation on the list, feel free to take part in the hashtag and cheer and be cheered. Beware of flaming zombie dinosaur NINJA cookies
He might flail, but his accuracy will surprise you!
For a refresher -
The Rules:
- Make a list of realistic goals for the month - and achieve them.
- Make a Blog Post every week (Just post on any day if you can’t manage Mondays
). This is to help us keep tabs on our own progress, and for others to cheer us on if it’s a difficult week. Please link to the post in the #writemotivation hashtag - Visit your #writemotivation team mates blogs, and participate in the #writemotivation hashtag to cheer people on
November 2013 Goals (NaNoWriMo included)
K.T. Hanna
2. CP Stuffs
M. Andrew Patterson
1) Write my brains out for NaNo and attempt to get 1.6K per day on my Romeo and Juliet in Hell story.
2) Blog every week (fell off the wagon last month)
3) Do my weekly vlog for Between the Lines
4) Cheer on my #writemotivation tweeps and throw zombie gingerbread people at them
5) Try not to die before November 30th
Patricia Lynne
1)Weekly blog obligations, mainly Friday Quick Fic and Story Dam weekend pick posts.Read books on my TBR pile.
2)Look at beta notes and work on Out of Secrets. Also, try to figure out cover ideas.
3)Add wordage to Shiny New Idea (that one day will hopefully have a title) preferably every day.
4)Knit skull scarves for holiday Craft shows.
Rebecca Enzor
1. Win NaNoWriMo with Speak the Ocean.
2. Try to finish StO completely.
3. Post Faye and Tarrin every Friday.
4. Run 2x per week, even in Michigan.
Jenny Mendez
1. Hit 50,000 words!
2. Write at least once everyday, even if its just a few words
3. Turn off my inner-editor!
Heather Jacobs
(1) Work on 2013 NaNo story.
(2) Await for first round of edits from publisher. Start working on them if they arrive.
(3) Complete the weekly #WriteMotivation blog posts.
(4) Complete at least one blog post not related to #WriteMotivation or #NaNoWriMo
1. Write at least 50,000 words in November.
2. Stay sane throughout the entire month.
Cheyenne Campbell
1. Do Nano. Write 50k as a basis for new fantasy/sci-fi.
2. Work on getting back into a daily routine after the Move That Took All Month.
3. Spend majority of online social time encouraging others.
Rebekah Loper
1. 50k words on ‘Stars for the Dead’.
2. Major progress on ‘Catalyst’ revisions.
3. Exercise 3x per week.
Heather Cashman
1) Win Nano
2) Blog every week
3) Read 4 books
Valerie Lawson
1. Survive, nay, WIN NaNoWriMo. (I will finish a first draft this year. I WILL!)
2. Attend at least three NaNo Write-Ins and take some dares.
3. Before Nano starts and maybe even into the first week, prep some posts for the month.
4.Try to look up every once in awhile and acknowledge family’s presence.
Leigh Caroline
2. Don’t go insane waiting. FOCUS ON THE WRITING. The rest will sort itself out when it does.
Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
1) BE POSITIVE! My biggest struggle lately. Seems those positives are getting smaller and hard to find. I am always here for you guys if ever you need to vent. I need to learn to reach out. (Any suggestions for helping me stop thinking I’m burdening people, yet I never think you’re burdening me?)
2) Work on new shiny WIP for NANO. Even if I never count words, and I don’t make the 50,000, if I make progress, that counts.
3) Cheer on everyone else!
4) Read a book.
Trisha Leaver
1) Stay positive and realize that it is the process of writing not the word count that is important.
2) Write 2,000 words a day.
3) Refrain for editing said words while writing. Write now, edit later.
4) Be a source of encouragement and support for my fellow NaNo challengers.
5) Attend at least two local Nano gatherings.
If you have any questions just let me know in the comments below and I’ll do my best to get them answered.
Also - if you haven’t yet joined our
G+ group. Dooo eeeet.
Otherwise! Have a fantastic November. I know you can all kick NaNoWriMo’s butt! This month is going to be fantastic! Remember to pop on over and say hi to your fellow goal pursuers on their blogs!
Let’s do this!