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K.T. Hanna - The Scribble Muse. You can comment here or
Hi everyone!
I don’t know about you, but I’ll be taking part in
National Novel Writing Month this year. That’s right, for the whole month of November, you write. Right? Well - it’s not that we don’t usually write, but the goal in NaNo is to complete 50 thousand words inside of thirty days.
How do you go about it?
Me - I outline. Like I always outline. So really, I don’t do anything differently. But it’s still fun to be about to embark on my newest novel venture with hundreds of thousands of other people. Who said writing had to be solitary
Of course, I’ll be cheering on my #Writemotivation buddies. If you’d like to sign up for November you can do that over
here. I don’t think the goals will really be a surprise, but hey! It’s all about challenging yourself, right?
This will be my first full NaNo with a book to write. Feel free to
add me as a buddy, I’ll add back. Normally I just miss out and try to force the book - but this year, this year I timed it somewhat perfectly (it sounds better than saying I was lucky it clicked when it did haha).
Happy Halloween to everyone! This will be my first real celebration of it. Can’t wait to dress up baby girl and give out candy
Here is to a fantastic November and good luck to everyone!