Jul 18, 2005 10:19
I think its crazy how a weekend can start off so good- but end on such a bad note. I went out on Friday night to a street dance in the middle of God knows where with some girlfriends of mine- I don't know if it was the combo between the heat and drinking- but I was completely wasted before I knew it- woke-up at like 4 in the morning in a camper- my friend April sleeping next to me...and I quickly realized that I needed to pee soooo bad- but couldn't figure out how to get around her...then I realized we were up on top of the driver and passenger seats of the camper. So I look over her- and realize that its sort of far to the floor and no ladder in sight...(which made me wonder how I even got up there in the first place-but that wasn't important now- getting down was) and I'm not sure how I did it- but I used my spiderman like ability to get down to the floor...but not before I stepped on some guy...nice work katie- nice work- but it couldn't have been that bad- seeing as he didn't even wake up...but it was definetly a good night over all- then Saturday I spent most of day nursing a decent hangover...it was still incrediably hot- so I walked over to my friend Christina's apartment and we laid out and swam most of the afternoon- good times- then I got a call from my long lost friend Lantz- I realized I hadn't talked to that kid in what seemed like forever- but he was in California so that explains it a little I guess- but in any event- he and I decided to go see Charlie & the Chocolate Factory- great, great movie- I loved it. It just doesn't get better than a good movie- good friend- reclining seats- and warm, buttery popcorn :)- plus Lantz was the perfect person to see it with- he never fails to completely crack me up with his laugh...its seriously so loud...just echo's through the theatre which just makes me laugh harder...after the movie we did what Lantz enjoys most and what we always tend to do when we get together "go for coffee" though it was too hot for that- and I settled for a carmel frapuchino...but I've figured out its never too late nor too hot for Coffee according to Lantz- so we just drank our drinks and played catch up with our lives- I'm really going to miss Lantz when I go- he was my first real friend up here- though we went to high school together- we really became close while we were going to school up here- and its been so fun watching him grow into this amazing musician and person. He's one of the few people I can discuss my writting with-and I'll know he'll give me honest feed back-and I truly appreciate that. We had a lot to catch up on- so its no wonder I didn't end up back at my apartment till close to 3 in the morning...I woke up at around noon on Sunday- has 2 missed calls Mary & Jenaya- so I called Mary back- and she had terrible news- Justin Geifer- better know to most as Judd- had committed suicide saturday night- now Judd and I hadn't talked a whole lot since high school but we both lived in Hanska and our lockers were on the same block- so through out high school we had talked quite a bit- atleast until he stopped coming- granted it was mostly chit-chat-the news really saddened me none the less. I've always felt really torn in these scenario's- do you attend the wake and or funeral- even if you weren't close to the person?- or more importantly if you were nothing more than an aquaintence? I remember when Jason Waldner died- there was such an outcrying of sincere support- yet there were others who...I don't know how else to say it- but put it this way- there were plenty of people who didn't go to school that day- that didn't attend the funeral either. Like I was saying- its a hard spot to be in- you want to show your support- because you knew him- he was a member of our class- should it matter how close we were of if we even were at all? I dunno- sometimes I think the best thing to do is just to keep him and his family in my prayers- the rest is just gravy...ya know?