Mar 31, 2006 11:25
i feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest, no actually it feels like an elephant sitting on my chest. My best friend just told me that she is in love with the same guy that i am in love with, the guy that i have talked to her about told her how i feel about him, she knows how much i love him. And yet i'm not stupid i saw her falling for him, i knew how she was feeling without her saing anything, and lately she has been acting weird around me, and acting all giddy. See this guy that we are both in love with well he's our best friend, and he just broke up with his horrible girl friend, and everyone is happy about that not just us, I know that we won't ever be together like i would like because when best friends get involved with eachother it becomes weird. anyway i think that the reason that i feel like there is this elephant on my chest is because i think that he likes her, i have thought this for a while but i guess that because no one was admitting anything that i could just ignore it, like when he had a girlfriend he didn't bring her aroud that often so i could pretend that she really didn't exist, when no one was admitting anything i could just ignore it like nothing was going on. but now that it is out in the open i can't ignore it, i can't pretend that everything is alright, i know that i shouldn't be mad at her she can't help who she loves, just like i can't but i just feel betrayed, like she could have tried to not fall in love with him if she really wanted to. I was there for her when she needed me, when "name" broke her heart, i listened for hours as she talked about how she was feeling, i told her what i thought that she should do, and then what did she do? she goes and ignores all of my advice and talks to best friend, they "cried together" she says, he understood what she was going through because he was going through the same thing. actually he wasn't, he was breaking up with a person who loved him back, she had the whole unrequited love thing going on with her. Who do you think understands what she was going through more, me who every guy that i have ever like has NEVER felt the same way about me or the guy with the bitch girlfriend who actually loves him? The worst part about it is that i feel like i need to not be around her right now and i have to work with her tonight, and we're supposed to go to a movie with all of our other friends and then she's spending the night, so i see that there is no getting away from her.