Dude, this is a blog post about having a really hot shower using spring runoff from a pond.
It was brown.
I smell vaguely of duckweed.
My hair is nice and bouncy though! I also think I can probably stop taking vitamins due to the high mineral content of this water.
Last week or so I responded to an advert in the Western Producer about a position as a temporary Nanny in north west Alberta totally not expecting to get it. Well guess what!
I got it.
I'm currently about 2 1/2 hours north of Grande Prairie. It's amazing up here. Flat as a pancake though. Out the front window you can see the Saddle Hills. 15 KILOMETRES AWAY. A bit too flat for my liking. Luckily the north bit of the Rockies is only an hour or so away. There are hills in sight!
And monster tractors. Boy these things are BIG.
Everybody up here is rushing about getting ready for seeding. And when I say rushing I mean rushing. There may still be some snow on the ground with more on the way, the ground may still be frozen solid, and everything that's not frozen may be a mud bog but, they will be ready when the ground is come hell or high water! (Which judging by the water levels up river from us is far more likely.)
Those tractors can go pretty darn fast and kick up quite the dust cloud. There's a reason the kids I'm watching aren't allowed near the road. Even though this place is ridiculously rural, the nearest neighbours are 1/2h away, there are no house numbers here, and the mail only comes once a week to the General store, the road is crazy busy at the moment. They'd be run over in a minute. It's like Little House on the Prairie. But with internet!
In other news:
I got my drivers abstract today. The guy on the other end of the line was majorly surprised at how clean it was. I have no dings on my licence yet! And let's hope it stays that way for the foreseeable future.