Jul 20, 2006 18:07
So, both schools wanted me for science. I chose the one close to home, because the other other one is at least a 40 minute drive. I have one 7th grade class, 3 regular 8th, and one honors 8th. I asked for a book to start planning and the guy brought me one grade and not even the teacher's edition. I'll call them about that tomorrow. I thought I would have until Wednesday to finish everything up at my current job, but it turns out new teacher orientation is a week long and starts Monday! 1 day notice, sorry Bridgeway! No one seemed too upset by the sudden quitting, they seemed to understand. Now I'm scared about actually lecturing...I don't want to come off as not knowing anything about science, but it doesn't flow as easily as history would have. I hope that I do well!!! The principal seems to have faith in me, so I hope I don't let him down!