Jul 11, 2011 22:16
and a bad journal-er and a bad keeping-track-of-things-on-a-daily-basis-er. I think I must accept this and not let my backlog deter me from posting when I finally get the urge to. Okay, so . . . between last post and this one, much has happened, but this is what is on my mind at the moment.
Why can't kids just pay attention?! Hamsters are not meant to be teachers, I guess. And after everyone was so sure that it could be my path. Ha. Well, maybe I could work with high school students or older. Well, at least they're getting some stuff done.
Why is it that I couldn't find a job to save my life previously? And now that I'm working two, everyone wants me to, y'know, work on their website. Make it a little better, right? How much time do you think it would take? If I had the time, people, if I had the time.
Family all went out to see a visiting Irish storyteller: Niall de Burca. It was wonderful! His accents were amusing and he called on the audience to respond and to repeat and to lean in reeeeeeeeally close while he told softly the scariest part of one story until WHAM! the bogal attacked. Oooooh, it was so much fun. And the stories went from overcoming his fear of sharks in Australia while boogeyboarding with a Protestant (first one he'd met) to classic Irish folktales. Ah, I love stories and those that tell them. :D
The newest season of Cabin Pressure is playing, but I do not have a source from which to download it. So I'm listening to it via BBC Radio 4 online. This series is, as Arthur would say, brilliant!
And I've got an interview in a couple of weeks to volunteer for APEC. I hope that it turns out well. I really want to work on APEC.
That's all for now, though I have plans for some gardening additions, inspiration boards for my bed frame (finally!), and the characters for a short film but no plot as of yet.