Why I like working from home.

Nov 21, 2008 13:53

So, as some you might know, a bunch of my servers took a dump all over themselves yesterday.  I have been working almost non-stop since then trying to setup some new servers to replace a couple of the web servers that went down.  Also, some of my servers that were used by a client lost power, so that's been fun.

here's the short version of the first disaster: I have two web servers (Sparky and Galactica) that support all of my free hosting, along with some of my smaller client hosting. They are old Windows 2003 servers with a couple gigs of RAM and dual-core processors. They were never designed for high-load, production server work, but that's what I have been using them for. Traffic on the free hosting server (Sparky) has been slowly creeping up, thanks to a couple of websites starting to gain some traffic.  This is not a bad thing and I thought that I had planned for it, but yesterday it decided to fail, and it's back (Galactica) which normally hosts my paying clients sites, also decided to take a day off.

I have been using one of my new Windows 2008 servers with the new IIS to take the place of these two servers, it's been....fun.

So, what does all this have to do with the title, well i'm getting to that.  After spending two days trying to get this server to play nice with it's new job, it has conceeded defeat and started working as it should. i am now in the process of installing MailEnable (my email hosting program) and all the website data.

confident that i am starting to get ahead of this exciting turn of events, i am now going to go downstairs, make some lunch, watch some TV and probably play some game where I get to blow stuff up.. These things I cannot do in a normal job setting and it will be doing wonders for my stress levels.

See, now that's 2 1/2 minutes of your life that you can't get back. hehe.

stress, servers, random, ksn

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