Ksnarf is awake at 3am again.. no idea why!

Oct 27, 2008 03:00

That pretty much sums it up. My brain has decided to stay up and do it's thing, you know, it's thing: Think!

Some of it probably has to do with the massive changes to the servers today, I am hoping that I didn't screw something up and now something doesn't work, or that I set the caps too low and people are not going to be able to get to their data.

i am looking at a sheet of paper with 96 IP address's and temp server names. My client has sent over the image they want on the servers and a smart person would be working on a way to get all this done by Friday instead of just sitting here wondering why I can't sleep.

But worry not, my gentle readers for I'm sure my body will shut down long enough to get just enough rest to put me back into work mode.  The real downside of being awake and bored at 3am is that there is no one to really talk to. I'm sure that someone I know is up, but it's not worth calling just to find that they are indeed sleep, or otherwise occupied.

So why am I posting and throwing dozens of grammer rules out the window? well it's 3am and even though I am stone-sober, this is the modern age version of drunk-dialing, or perhaps tipsy letter writing or even intoxicated  telegram -ing.

We now return to your regularly scheduled programming already in progress.


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