Aug 29, 2004 20:38
New Additions:
ipod (meant for my birthday, but then Doug has never been good at keeping a secret)
new kitten (out with the old, yes our evil cat is now gone) Cleo is the new and fun cat who likes to watch TV and play with the glowing apple on the back of my ibook.
new friends (its great to be able to connect with some new people)
Full Youth Pastor wife statis - This summer has brought many experiences with kids in the youth group asking for major advice and comfort. These experiences have brought about such growth for me when it comes to understanding how inadaquate I am and how much God really can work through that. We went on a missions trip to Philly. An incredible city that God is really trying to get a hold of. I think that my burden is to have people understand how relevant faith is. It is so frustrating and unfathomable to try and view religion as something less than a relationship with the God of the universe. So cool to catch a glimpse of God's vision for my life.
Fun Times at the DB&A. I have gotten to participate in developing a commercial and I am getting more into the marketing side of things. I think I was supposed to have a 6 month review about a month ago- hopefully all these 50-60 weeks will add up to a higher statis degree- I already know not to hope for a raise. FYI all you spring arbor people, I think I am going to start my masters in marketing communications through their online program.
2 years of marriage: funny to think it has been that long and now I can't imagine life without him. It has been hard to see my parents move so far away and to have most of my closest friends not close. But I think that has been such a plus in the marraige side. Its like having your best friend around constantly- and it helps that he does all the laundry
New apartment: 2 bedrooms better than one!
New Pic: now I am not trying to look like a transvestite but well who doesn't love an elvis wig?
So what did I learn from my summer vacation: Summer is no longer a vacation - but the commute with a sunroof and airconditioning is close:)