(no subject)

Sep 02, 2009 22:29

So my faithful readers. I am pleased to grace you with yet another blog post.

"Two in as many days?"

Why yes. Though apparently my ire has once again been raised in yet another scandalous scenario. This time with an assumed friend who... Well let me go to the start of it:

My male friends which I speak to often know how I can get about a girl. I consume my thoughts, conversation, my identity in the fire of the thought of said girl. Some of my female readers have unfortunately been the object of such affection and have suffered through it till I get my new girl to obsess over. Yay. That being said. This triffilin heffa... Hold on... still haven't backed up to the start yet.

So me and random chic A, we'll call her Rachel for our purposes (my apologies to any actual Rachels), are talking late into the night. A bit too late perhaps for two people who are supposed to be just friends... but whatever. In the conversation "Rachel" states that her mom had complimented her on the new heels she'd been wearing. At this point Rachel related how I was the one who'd bought the shoes for her. The mom was surprised "considering how cheap" I am. Okay. I could honestly let that go. I don't spend time with her mother (we don't even speak the same language), who I'd offended years ago with an off hand comment I don't even remember making. Fine. Whatever. "Friend" Rachel who I hang with *every single week*, who I work with (another reason to never break the platinum rule), who I've actually been in a pseudo-relationship with... she doesn't defend me. She doesn't say "mom, that's not fair due to" xyz. Get at the root of why she'd say something like and try to diffuse it. You know what she does? She laughs. She laughs because at the end of the day she agrees with her mother. All of this her words not mine. Remember... she's telling me what happened. I ended the conversation there because I was like... What? Really?  Not only that I figured. You know what? It's late. Maybe she meant something else. She couldn't have ever meant that of me. Of all people not her.

I called her the next day after talking to a friend of mine who speaks spanish. I figured... maybe if I said it in her native tongue she'd get that maybe... just maybe what she'd said wasn't cool.

She asks me, "You aren't mad are you?"
I replied, "Why should I be? You and your family just think that I'm tacaño".
She laughs and is like, "Where'd you learn that word from?
"Doesn't matter", I reply. "That's how you feel isn't it?"
"Yes, but I don't want you to be offended".

Offended ladies and gentlemen? Offended? I'm not offended, I'm down right pissed as all hell. By the way I have much more choice words I could use. Yet now that I've opened up the situation I'm going to go over why I'm so pissed
This... girl has never had to worry when we go out as a group. Whenever we as friends go to the movies, bam, I'm droppin funds for her right there. I don't even have enough money to be on my own. As a 28 year old man I'm still at home with my blouse and skirt parents and yet I find the money do things for her. Her favorite flowers on a bad day. Surprise trip to the movies. Even when I have to borrow money from other friends I do things for this girl. Just because I want to make sure she's happy. That's the sort of guy I am. If i have it there, then, at that moment, I give it. Let's take this past Saturday for instance.

Rachel is dealing with some major upheavals in her life right now. She left work and even though all of us as friends were going to be dressing up in suits and such, she was still in her scrubs because she'd been locked out of her house. She went to Targét to get a new outfit. Problem was she was trying to match it to the cluncky sneakers she'd been wearing from work. Without equivocation I immediately state "Lets get you some new shoes, we'll work on the outfit from there. If the shoes are a problem I'll by them." I wasn't looking for and flaming medals. I didn't want my friend looking like an ass when everyone with her was so dressed up. Yet this same person has the unmittigating gall to call me cheap? I can't even by shoes for myself. The shoes I wear each day to work are so worn I essentially no longer have heels on one pair, yet due to my financial situation (regarding my student loans and the car that I have to still pay $400+ payments on regardless of the fact that since it's constantly breaking down I drive it about 10 days out of the entire year) I can't even afford to buy myself new shoes, yet you need something just for a night out and I'm willing to just help you out I'm the cheap one?

To think there have been nights that I've hoped and wished that she'd been The Girl of Promise™. To think I actually wanted to spend my life with such a Black Hole of Want.  Let's not forget that this friend doesn't even consider me a reliable source for biblical information. The other day we're teaching a class together and I make a comment regarding the Historicity of the Bible (the age of Miriam the mother of J-s-s to be exact). This chick outright challenges me in front of the class while I'm teaching; this while she was sitting in and doing observation. Gee whiz Ms. Lady ma'am. Are you $70k in debt having studied Biblical Backgrounds, The gospels, as well as the rest of scripture. Are you studied in Koine Greek and Hebrew besides the little Jewish songs you sing every Shabbat? Are you certified to teach elementary education? And those of you who are like "Oh, formal education doesn't matter," let me ask: What's the proportion of those without a degree beyond high school making more than 90K a year, and those with said degree? Oh I'm sure you can point to examples. I asked what's the proportion.

In any case, to think that I actually would have sold my heart to such a (and I use the term loosely) woman I am beyond perturbed. I am shocked and aghast that after how much I regularly do for her she would be so ungrateful. I know there is no pleasing some people but when a friend does something for me I could never react in such a manner. I have a good friend who within the first month of meeting me borrowed a set of comics from me so that he could secretly buy me the issues that I was missing from the set. The same friend will drive up from Dade to take me all the way to downtown Miami so we can work out at the gym at work together before work, all this on his DAY OFF!!! I could NEVER say anything bad about this individual. Not even so much as to say, "Dog, ya ugly". When I consider that when I'm hungry he's always had an extra dollar for me to get a bag of chips or willing to give me his extra jello how could I be like "He's stingy" or "He's selfish"? Antithetically this ignoble plebian has the chutzpah to believe and act in such a fashion.

If I'm so bad I should have just asked for the damn shoes back. How's that for cheap. That triffiling...

work, love, parents, money, friends

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