Apr 22, 2009 10:15
Well, you get two blogs this week my patient fans. Yet this one is less esoteric and more minutia.
I've figured out what Twitter should be used for. The past few days I've been talkign about stuff and then suddenly been making some serious statements. Immediately I've stated "I need to put that in my blog" yet what happens? I forget it. Coupled with the fact that I feel odd nowadays posting a plog less that 500 words, some really great ideas fly out the window. That's the only reason I would create a twitter account. Honestly, I don't need to know that you just made a pot of coffee, just picked up your dry cleaning or wiped your behind. Seriously people, the folks who really care have either an inner Paparazzi, or stalker side to their personality that they're trying to deal with.
At work I've been excited since I was really looking forward to working for another department as an on loan agent. I especially wanted to make the switch because I knew that they were going to be including a degree of sales into my job description. The guy who was going to bring me over talked to me yesterday, apparently the switch isn't going to happen becuase my director wants me on this damn sales project. Not happy about it, not at all. I would have gotten a ton of perks that would have been nice. Such as, perhaps, an hour lunch, or the ability to self swap the days I was coming in, maybe having sundays free every once in a while. Enk! Nope do not pass go, do not collect 250Gp.
In terms of the title, we are now in the counting of the Omer in which 50 days are counted, from Passover to Pentacost, and we arrive at the anniversary of the Giving of the torah, as well as the giving of the H-ly Sp-r-t to the Disciples. Personally this is my most ascetic time of the year. I stop shaving, and each week I give up something. Week 3 will (which will begin Thursday night) be music. I start with secular music, now I'll be moving to *all* music. To tell the truth it's really really hard. Yet my goal each year is for me to transcend my normal physical preoccupations and to achieve something higher, something greater. If nothing else i get a freaky beard out of it.
I also thought I'd do some new, called A lesson in Bougie-ness:
(The following is a reposting of a comment given to a fellow blogger) Amongst us Bougie-ass folks there is an effort to be pc and not offend. Hence we call ourselves intelectualls, not elitists. For instance... when one of our own individuals comments on the diverse "demographics" of a situation or environment, what he really meant was, "damn you gots niggas and chincks in this piece". Likewise if someone states that an idea or comment is "objectionable"? The translation would read "I think this sucks, I can't defend why I think it sucks, so I'm just gonna say so in a vague and ambiguous way". It's in keeping with that "If you can't say something nice..." axiom, but in this case us liberals and Bougie-ass folk turn it into "If you can't say anything nice... say it as insanely vague as possible". Try it today. When next your girlfriend asks you if her jeans look big, merely state that they "accentuate how perfectly bulbous" her rear is. Congratulations. You've now taken the first step towards being Bougie as all hell.< /end lesson>