It... is... finished.

Jan 20, 2009 12:44

So after one of the longest lasting Primaries. Amidst veiled and oblique racial and bigoted statements. Amidst one of the greatest economic crisises since the Great Depression. Conversation done.

We now have a black president.

Now it's time for all of us negroids ta man up and get our shit together. There's really no reason for us to keep complainin bout our damn 40 acres, our fatherless households, a legal system geared towards the imprisonment of the impoverished black individual, school systems that offer no hope and even less training, a credit system that keeps us financially enslaved, 400 years of a Culture of Poverty... oh ya, and the fact that white folks hate our men cus we got bigger dicks.

Obama comes from a home where his daddy left him when he was a babe. His momma was on foodstamps, yet you tell me he's able to become the head of the Law Review of one of this nation's Highest Universities? He could have run off and gotten a big paying job, but instead he went back into the community to become a community organizer. When he saw that the laws themselves were made not with his community in mind he went into politics. Now he stands as the head of our nation. This is no Affirmative Action. The nation has spoken. It has chosen.

Barack Obama is Commander in Chief.
We got no excuses.
We can make no apologies.

It is time that the people who designed the pyramids; built this nation and carried it on their backs, despite being barred from it's privalages; got off their hind parts and showed the world what generations of forced defacto Genetic Selection can do. We got into basketball, we took over the sport. We kill in football. The Williams girls and Tiger Woods show you why you can't let us touch nothin without takin over. Let's show em what happens when we get into the Presidency.

racism, obama, politics

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