To clarify some miscommunication...

Mar 10, 2011 11:13

It appears, sadly, that I was perhaps remiss in not informing many of you, who follow my feed, of my plans to join the Navy. Let me give an abridged and over simplified run down of the second half of 2010.

Everything I was doing in South Florida came down to paying for the Volkswagon and funding my ability to minister at Beth Tehillah.

I couldn't afford to do either. I was hitting a brick wall. Yet I'd been working on going back to Andrews, so there was that.

After finding out that certain religious accomodations regarding work wouldn't pan out I took that as my affirmation to head back to Andrews.

I left Florida for Andrews.

I was denied entrance back into Andrews.

I moved to Maryland where I roomed with my surrogate brother Anthony, hoping to teach.

I ran out of money, falling short of the funds needed to get certified to teach.

Needed money badly, and having already gone through inspection for the Navy figured, Well? Why not.

I signed up the second of November, two months later shipped out for Great Lakes, IL.

So there you go. The run down. I'm sorry about not getting that out before. I'm noticing some of the things I'd set up to continue my posting fell through. Yet I'm here now. I'd like to say thanks for all the well wishes I've recieved and all the folks who've sent me some sort of notice. It's nive to know that my presence is missed. What I may end up doing is posting some journals that I did in Basic here, maybe once i get my hands on some of the letters I sent I can post that. Just so you folks know the gist of what it was like. I know some of you are tired of my talk of Socialogy, yet that was one of the largest Sociological experiments I'd ever seen. I saw group think in action. There was behavioral psychological tricks in play. It was... wow. At the best times it was like being at Boarding School or Academy, at the worst times it was the last few chapters of 1984 (He who has ears to hear let him listen).

Now I'm in the New England Area, Groton, Connecticuit. Look my New England folks! You can see me. Well, I have to get Yellow Card Liberty. Which means I'll be able to wear civilian clothes. Supposedly a big thing if I head up to Boston. Sailors are fround upon by college guys. I guess it's since women love a man in uniform. I hear that when I go to NY though I should make sure to wear my Dress Blues. It's the little things you learn.

I also have to make sure I get to this Yellow Card phase since that's when I can have alcoholic beverages. We all know what holiday is coming up right? Here's a hint. It start with "Pur" and ends in "im". I have a lot to live up to after last year's celebration. Only way to move to that phase though is getting qualified to stand watch at all my differant stations. Once I get my quals done I'm set.

Hmm... time's running out on this Library PC. See folks? I'm keeping you updated. In the mean time. As always. Henceforth I'm k5h4w and you've just been Kreemed. Here's a wet nap.

sub, military, basic, travel

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