Повешу тут тоже - а вдруг меня читают исследовательницы насилия и захотят к нам приехать на конференцию? У нас очень хорошая группа, много интересных людей, смесь поколений - есть и те, кто уже лет 40 в этой теме и открывал первые шелтеры, и те, кто только начинает в ней разбираться. А на встрече молодых исследовательниц всё вообще довольно неформально, и можно задавать даже самые глупые вопросы. Приезжайте :)
2015 Annual conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence (ENGV), May 6-8 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
Hosted by Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The European Network on Gender and Violence is an interdisciplinary, international network supporting exchange and collaboration among researchers, scholars and professionals. The network holds annual conferences that provide a forum for friendly debate of current research. We are inviting submissions for papers and posters presenting new empirical studies, or theoretical or methodological scholarship. All methodologies are welcome as well as in-depth reflections on research/policy intersections.The conference will offer three formats to strike a balance between making current work visible and having room for discussion without overloading the program:
Discussion papers. Presented and discussed in the plenary (10-15 minutes presentation; 15-20 minutes discussion). Empirical discussion papers must show actual findings, intention to collect data is not sufficient. Theoretical or methodological discussion papers should set out a major piece of new theoretical or methodological thinking. Discussion papers should situate their topic in the context of relevant research, in particular in Europe.
Posters. Will be displayed during a dedicated poster session at the end of the first day and throughout the conference. Prepare in sizes A2 or A1.
Research notes on completed, ongoing, or planned work. We will compile and circulate these ahead of the conference so that network members and conference participants can see who is doing what and get in touch with each other if desired.
Young scholars meeting. The first day of the conference is reserved for young researchers to network, discuss the challenges of gender violence research, as well as discuss research proposals or PhD theses at any stage of completion. Interested students at Master’s level, as well as early career Post-Doc researchers are also welcome to participate in the meeting. Please express your interest in participating by sending a short abstract of the paper you would like to discuss, or issue you would like to raise. Researchers interested in getting feedback on their papers will be asked to send their papers to all participants of young scholars meeting by the mid-April.
Please send a detailed abstract to
engvlisbon@gmail.com no later than March 1, 2015
We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon in May! Dalila Cerejo, Ksenia Meshkova, Mona Eliasson, Monika Schröttle, Renate Klein (Conference planning and program committee)