Starting with some TMI, update on kiddo and life in general....

Jan 28, 2018 01:43

Ladies. I don't know if you've experienced this, but ( Read more... )

riding school, work, health, life, mother, job, kid, books, mom, radio station, family, radio show

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Comments 9

yueshi January 28 2018, 11:29:00 UTC
Glad to read that you are doing well.

What actually is your work about?

And yeah, kids seem to grow up so fast.. I can see that with my nephew (and it's even more shpocking, because I do not see him that often)


kseenaa January 28 2018, 21:12:57 UTC
I am, nipple pain almost gone. :-D

And I'm working as a school librarian in a school where there's kids from the age of 6 to teens the age of 15, and I try to make sure to help everyone in one way or another. :-) I have classes to, and buy books and just... do all the stuff all the time! *lol*


yueshi January 29 2018, 15:54:20 UTC
You have classes, like you teach or you're being tought? (sorry... this might be a stupid question... my brain got lost somewhere around the weekend :P)

I can't remember ever seeing someone working at the school libraries. Well, I did, with some school friends, because no one had a clue about the books in existance. So we looked through them. But there was never an actual adult around... Thinking back... that might not have been a good thing. *laugh*


kseenaa January 30 2018, 21:17:09 UTC
According to swedish law every school has to have a school-library... with a school-librarian in it that has the proper education. :-) So even the idea of a school that just says 'fuck it' and don't have a librarian makes my heart ache, it really does ( ... )


tiara January 29 2018, 00:44:32 UTC
Aww, your daughter is adorable for already liking superheroes! :D

I watch documentaries on Netflix too. XD

I tried to look up the book, but I can't find it when I google search.


kseenaa January 29 2018, 08:22:18 UTC
Netflix is the BEST when it comes to documentaries. So much good stuff there! And I watch some series there to. :-) Frontier and RuPaul is my favorites right now. :-D

And that book, Tjock! by Jenny Dahlberg, is only in swedish, I'm afraid. So I guess that's why you couldn't find it. A shame. It was quite good. :-)

And my daughter, what can I say? She's an awesome girl, but just slightly insane. Just like her parents, I'd say. ;-)


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