HOLY FUCK! I just watched the first episode of the new season of Game of Thrones, season 7!!!
I can NOT get over this show. It's so damn well made. You can tell the money, care and love is put into every episode. And this was no different. Let's see if I can gather my thoughts here...
[There be spoilers behind this spoiler link! Click at your own risk!!!]Still no fan of Jon Snow! DULL! DULL, DULL, DULL I tell you! I don't get why everyone is following him... And WHYYYYYY Sansa says he is good at leading. Ugh. Sansa is cool though. I love the transformation she's gone through. And that she gets to tell Littlefinger off! GOOD FOR HER! Not smart to have a private fight when you lead a meeting though. Stupid, stupid...
My MAIN favorite, no contest, in the north though is Lady Mormont! DAMN GIRL! That little girl puts everyone in this show to shame! I so fangirl her!
I was also glad that Dany finally came home. To Dragonstone. Such a nice scene without a word. Made the feelings she must be feeling so much more clearer. I liked that scene. And I liked what the actors did with it. Also Tyrion. I love him.
Cersie has just gone batshit, but hey... We knew that. And apparently Jamie does to. He did not seem quite comfortable next to Cersie, did he? *smirk* So that's going to be interesting. Poor Tommen though. He jumped out a window killing himself int he last episode last season and neither his incestuous parents show any grief over him. Oh Tommen... You were to good for this world.
Glad to see Bran back on the right side of the wall. Means he is one giant step closer to coming home. Glad to see some of the Nightswatch as well.
I have to say though, there's quite a few hints in the episode that the wall is going to crash at some point... I wonder if that is going to be the last or second to last episode? If so, I can't wait. That scene shold be epic. :-)
And would help the Nightking come visit, wouldn't it? That scene was freaking cool to. And, what do you know, he has giantzombies. That can't be good. :-P
That The Hound saw, in flames no less! Who'd have thought he'd end up the seer of the Brotherhood without Banners... INTERESTING! I do like the development of that character though!
I did really love it. Got no favorite parts as of yet, but it was a really nice episode even if it mostly just set up the scene and all the players on the board. Like a chessgame. ;-) Can't wait for next week!
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