Two answers for the Fandom-meme! Hated characters and favorite books!

Mar 04, 2017 23:52

Since I was out being drunk with my colleagues yesterday (yes, librarians do get drunk sometimes and it's quite hilarious...), I figured I'd answer the two questions I got for the fandom meme. :-)

If anyone else wants to add a question, please do so HERE!

gajastar asked me this: 15, any fandom., meaning: 15. Most loathed character. EVEROK. Now THAT is a ( Read more... )

comics, pirates of the caribbean, game of thrones, buffy/angelverse, xenaverse, books, fun stuff, world of warcraft, sons of anarchy

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Comments 12

gajastar March 4 2017, 23:09:22 UTC
I've always liked Ted Raimi. :)

(my sister once ran into Nikki Sixx at Disneyland)


kseenaa March 4 2017, 23:15:31 UTC
I KNOW! I do to! Those fans that have meet Ted Raimi at cons before he stopped going to them because of all the hate, says he was a total sweetheart! I've been at one Xena-con, but unfortunately he wasn't there. The amount of hate he got while Xena was still on air was... absolutely mind-blowing. I don't blame him for stopping going to cons or interact with fans online. He has a twitter now a days, but considering how long Xena has been off the air, he doesn't get that same kind of hate anymore. Gladly. :-)

Your sister did? OK, now I'm totally envious! :-D I'd love to run into Nikki Sixx just like that! I've seen Mötley Crüe live once, which was awesome! But to meet him to just say hi, that would be so cool!


double_dutchess March 4 2017, 23:39:16 UTC
As a kid I used to love all Astrid Lindgren's books, including Ronia. Recently I visited a friend of mine and he was reading it to his daughters. I really enjoyed listening along with them. I must confess I had forgotten most of it, so it all appeared brand new again!


kseenaa March 5 2017, 23:05:31 UTC
Her stories are absolutely amazing! :-D And many of them gives a good look on how life used to be like in Sweden. :-) But Ronia, ah yes... Can't bet that story! And if you enjoyed Ronia, you should check out Mio my Mio and Brothers Lionheart to!


double_dutchess March 6 2017, 03:24:38 UTC
Brothers Lionheart was one of my favourite books by Astrid Lindgren. Lots of emotions for that one!

Btw, Maus is amazing too.


kseenaa March 13 2017, 08:41:25 UTC
Maus deserves all the praise it gets, to be honest. :-P All school libraries should have that graphic novel.

There was a movie made for Brothers Lionheart when I was a kid. And it was really good, up until the end. They just didn't have the proper knowledge then to do a believable dragon. :-P


steinsgrrl March 5 2017, 04:13:40 UTC
I liked Joxer. :)

Man, I get you re: Gemma. I bled with her when she was gang raped, but some of the stuff she did later kind of blew that sympathy away.


kseenaa March 5 2017, 23:06:55 UTC
Joxer definitely is a highlight. Sometimes... and other times I just wanna strangle him. *lol* So he has his good sides and bad sides for sure. :-)

OH gawd, yes... That was horrific, for sure! And she was a cool character for much of the series, but was way way overused by the end of it. :-P


hexenhasel March 5 2017, 14:07:27 UTC
I loved Joxer! (for the most part - heh). I had no idea that he was such a hated character in the fandom. Poor Ted Raimi :(

Yeah, Ramsey irked me because of the whole torture-porn. He became more of a caricature than a character, which was disappointing.

The book about Dewey I need to read! It sounds so good - and c'mon! Cats!


kseenaa March 5 2017, 23:10:18 UTC
Yeah, it's the thing with the most part. ;-) He becomes a bit to much sometimes. :-P And yes. Joxer was extremly hated in the fandom while Xena was still on the air. It's a damn shame. Those who have meet Ted Raimi has said he is a really sweet guy, so I totally get why he withdrew back then. He has a twitter and such now though, but that hate thing has died down since. Lucy Lawless loved working with him to, so... I never got the fierce hate he got back then.

I get why Ramsey as a character was needed, you know? But it just got to much of it. And did we really have to see so much? :-P

The book about Dewey is definitely a most read! And you should read the book Making Rounds With Oscar as well, also a book about an extraordinarily cat! There are so many of them!!!


titacats March 6 2017, 02:19:39 UTC
I liked Joxer! I never knew he got so much fan hate. Poor Ted Raimi.

Torture porn is exactly what Ramsey was and I was only too happy for him to go.

I want to go get that cat book now. :)


kseenaa March 13 2017, 08:39:46 UTC
Yeah, poor Ted Raimi. :-/ It was ridicolous there for a while. :-( And it's so easy to be swept away in such a thing. I think many fans did. :-P

I was happy to see Ramsey go to. And I think he got a fitting send off, and I'm glad Sansa was there to do it. She deserved that. She and Theon, to be honest.

Cats are awesome! I've just started another catbook, A Street Cat Named Bob. It's amazing! Totally recommend that one to! There's so many books about amazing cats out there, to be honest!


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