Two answers for the Fandom-meme! Hated characters and favorite books!

Mar 04, 2017 23:52

Since I was out being drunk with my colleagues yesterday (yes, librarians do get drunk sometimes and it's quite hilarious...), I figured I'd answer the two questions I got for the fandom meme. :-)

If anyone else wants to add a question, please do so HERE!

gajastar asked me this: 15, any fandom., meaning: 15. Most loathed character. EVER.

OK. Now THAT is a hard question to answer!!!

I have a lot in World of Warcraft, actually. But that's because the lore and history for that game is SO VAST, there's bound to be characters that are badly written there. Interestingly enough, most of those are on the Alliance side. Ever since the game was released it seems as if Blizzard has a love for the Horde.

In the Xena-fandom there's the character Joxer. Now, I wouldn't say I loath him. I actually enjoy him sometimes. And the fandom as a whole had so So SO much hate for this character, that the actor, Ted Raimi, stopped doing interviews and stopped being online or anything like that. HE liked playing Joxer, but the fans really really hated that character. I find him annoying at most at times, but I always thought he got more hate than he deserved, to be honest. In some episodes though he really really just destroys the storyline, and I hate that. While in others, he really saves it. So he is a troublesome character. Deserves more cred though.

I do LOATH however how they portrayed the Norse gods in Xena though!!! I did not expect accuracy. Hell no. The best part with Xena is how that series doesn't take anything seriously. But at least they could have stuck to the basics with them gods? Please? *sigh*

In Pirates of the Caribbean it's Syrena the mermaid and Phillip. OMG, I was SO ANNOYED WITH THEM!!! And they were supposed to be the main love-interest in the fourth movie. ARGH!!! I have so many feelings about that movie over all. But, yeah. I was bored and so annoyed as soon as I saw them on screen. The concept of the mermaids in that movie was totally cool. So I wonder why Syrena was such SUCH a roll over little weakling, when the others were downright monsters... *shakes head* Plot hole big enough for a damn truck! And Philip? Not any more interesting than a wet washcloth. For serious.

In Buffy there's a lot of bad guys that are supposed to be oh so scary, but... they don't really DO anything. The Master for instance. And The Anointed One. You're supposed to be this big bad. Supposed to be this big threat that the Slayer has to defeat. Well... BE SCARY THEN!!!

Also. The Buffy-bot. I never really liked that whole storyline. That was just to let Spike get his damn rocks off. :-P Sorry to those that liked her. The idea and the whole storyline that season was totally cool. But yeah, no. Buffy-bot? Do not like her.

The character from Sons of Anarchy that I both hate and love is Gemma Teller. She is really really good in the first few seasons, but is really overused in the last seasons, which is really annoying. She should have meet Mr Mayhem aka been killed WAY earlier! The shit she pulled during the show had other full patched members killed and/or tortured. I mean, seirously. In the show it might be because she'd been married to two presidents and the mother of one. But STILL! That's some shit she pulls. And how she tangles herself up in some serious webs of lies. Yeah, no. If I loath any character in SoA, it's Gemma Teller.

In Game of Thrones, it was hard to pick. Because even the bad guys and good guys work in a grey area. But the character that was mostly overused here and that annoyed me was Ramsey Bolton. I get the use he had for the story, but for serious. He was mostly used for torture-porn. Really. Especially in Season Three, where all he does is torture Theon and then Sansa. And you get to see it all. Yeah, OK. I'm a darkfic fan as much as anyone, but I did not need to see all of that, thanks. Rape, torture, cutting off of body-parts. He does it all. With a smile on his face.

There's a lot of fucked up characters in Game of Thrones and I rather like them all, but Ramsey Bolton really pushes it for me. Gladly though he gets it in the end. Which was very satisfying to see, fucked up as it might seem, considering how he got to go. X-D

The good guy that I really find so boring on the show that it borders on loathing is Jon Snow. He is just to much of a good guy, to clueless and to self-sacrificing and just... To much for me. I really really dislike him without even being able to pinpoint why. :-P

So apparently I could answer that. X-D

Right on, onwards to the next one. :-)

hexenhasel wanted #7 :). Meaning: 7. Top 3 Favorite books.

Because of course. Because I'm a librarian. X-D *lol* Right on. Let's see.

One of my absolute favorites all time is: Ronia - The Robbers daughter by Astrid Lindgren. Now, I've re-read this SO MANY TIMES, I've lost count. I love many of Astrid Lindgrens books, some more than others. She really was a master at writing kid/tween books, with things in them that would go over the head of the younger audience, but as an adult you really catch on what is really going on between the lines... Which is totally cool! So yeah, that would be my top favorite one. :-)

A book that touched me, that I didn't think would, is Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World. Ho boy! I was crying and sniffling making my way through this book. It's a couple of years ago I read this book, but I still remember it clearly as if I read it just now. It's an amazing book! An amazing life! One small life that changed the lifes of so many. I adored this whole story and I adored Dewey and I wish I could have meet him. Or that I could have had a cat in the library I work at. *sigh* Cats over all needs more cred for the work they do and the lives they change.

A third book that I guess have to go to my favorite list is The Heroin Diaries: A Year In The Life Of A Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx. I do have a thing for rockstar biographies, but this one? Is oh so very different. Apparently Nikki kept diaries while he was at the most deep into his heroin addiction. Or drug-addiction, maybe I should say. Because we're not only talking heroin here.

And Nikki is BRUTALLY honest in this book. Not holding any punches at all. 80% or so of the book is pretty much pages straight out of his diary. Including insane scribbles, paranoia, cravings, drawings... the works. He has added explanations all over the place for the book and there's commentaries from friends and relatives as well thrown in, which gives the insane diary scribbles a sense of time and you get what is going on and why he for example felt the need for MORE drugs at certain points during that time. So you don't really read this book like a normal book. And to be honest, this is not a normal book. It's a fucking punch to the gut. And after wards, I say thank you and ask for another one. EVERYONE should read this book! REALLY!

Bonus, my favorite graphic novel: Maus. Wow. This one is also one that really gives you a punch to the gut. The art is fucking amazing. And the story, how a young comic-artist start question his elderly father about his experiences during World War II and the camps, and said father starts telling his story... It's just... amazing. I have no other words for it. This graphic novel won the Pulitzer prize. To say it was well deserved is an understatement.

So yeah, that was those answers. :-) Let's see if I'll get some more or not?

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comics, pirates of the caribbean, game of thrones, buffy/angelverse, xenaverse, books, fun stuff, world of warcraft, sons of anarchy

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