Current siltation in the world... and for my friends...

Jan 30, 2017 23:38

I don't even know how to start this post, to be quite honest. I have such a hard time getting what I want to say into words ( Read more... )

pissed off, life, stress, ranting, politics, friends

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Comments 9

brunettepet January 30 2017, 23:28:49 UTC
It's horrifying what Trump is doing to this country.


kseenaa February 7 2017, 16:38:43 UTC
It's unbelievable how anyone can see any sense to what he is doing? How anyone can think it's any good??? I just... can't understand it.


volare January 31 2017, 00:03:17 UTC
it's completely fucking horrifying what's happening here ( ... )


kseenaa February 7 2017, 16:42:51 UTC
Yeah, I've been thinking that to. Remember, history-nerd here... :-P I see the parallels far to well to other leaders in history, many of them. And the US police force and military force are very strong and very well armed. Both of them. Which does not bode well if it ends up that bad.

I sincerely hope it won't. :-/ But sitting over here, it doesn't look to good, to be honest. Gawd, I'm sorry. I just wish I could snatch you and your family up and move you here.

I just hope that all the protests and everything going on can continue. Not only that they won't be stopped, but that people keep their strength to keep it up. Because that most dangerous thing is when the people give up, get desensitized and just stop caring. THAT's dangerous.

*keeps fingers crossed for all*


desdemonaspace January 31 2017, 00:04:16 UTC
I understand wanting to cut Trump supporters out of your life.

My entire family are Republican, and I am not talking to so much as one of them. It's lonely, but I CANNOT abide what they've done. Also, I am so worked up about it, I become inarticulate. I'd like to be about to counter all their talking points with cogent facts and more facts, but I'm too emotional and I picture myself simply foaming at the mouth.

Yes, I totally get it. It's be nice to be able to win people over to the side of sanity, but I just find myself gibbering with rage.


kseenaa February 7 2017, 16:51:14 UTC
To me it doesn't seem as if those that voted for Trump, his supporters, can even listen to facts. They come up with their own facts and their own counter arguments, and then they only see that and can't see anything else. As if they have blinders on, only being able to look straight ahead, and not see how others might experience the situation.


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kseenaa February 7 2017, 17:00:51 UTC
Fingers crossed for the ACLU. Really. I've donated from over here. There's not much else I can do. At least there are some decent people over in the US. Which I knew, but still.


orangerful January 31 2017, 03:07:29 UTC
Something has got to give and I really hope that if he keeps pushing like this, impeachment will happen. Even the Republicans are finally growing a pair and speaking out against him. I just don't know what to do...


kseenaa February 7 2017, 17:03:19 UTC
I don't think anyone really know what to do. Except those that support him, it seems. :-P I've donated to ACLU, because it feels like that is all I CAN do from over here. I just don't understand why no one really does speak out against him when he does all these insane things...


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