Current siltation in the world... and for my friends...

Jan 30, 2017 23:38

I don't even know how to start this post, to be quite honest. I have such a hard time getting what I want to say into words.

Can I start with that I am quite horrified? And pissed off? Yeah, that works...

Because I am. It seems as if all them Trump-supporters haven’t ever seen a history book in their life. Because I see history repeating itself. And it scares the fuck out of me.

Little unimportant Sweden might not able to effect much of the US or world politics, but it sure as hell affects us! It effects the freaking WORLD! And the world is outraged.

But it also effects me on a more personal level. Because I have friends. Friends all over the world. In the USA to. Of various religions. Of various skin colours.

And their not safe. My friends, my wonderful friends from one of the biggest countries in the world, biggest and one of the most developed... are not safe.

I’ll repeat that.

Friends that I talk to each day nearly are not safe.

And rage and swear over it. I cry and feel hopeless. And there’s nothing I can do. I am stuck here in Sweden, safe and sound mind, but still.


I still have a hard time putting it into words.

So I’ll link to this blog that put it into words for me. Absolutely perfectly.

One more time...

So if you are a Trump supporter? Or think he makes sense? You can just get the flying fuck out of my life!!!

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

pissed off, life, stress, ranting, politics, friends

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