Christmas, annoying people, fun pimping, music... and life...

Dec 20, 2012 00:08

Christmas is a busy time, ain't it? :-) It sure took some time to get all them Christmas cards/packages/what have you sent off today. Much longer then I thought. But there I go for sending packages all over the world. Sucks with all the paperwork coming with it though. :-P I hope they'll be well received when they arrive ( Read more... )

disney, pimping, fanfic, life, music, netiquette, christmas, pissed off, cats, kid, stress, fun stuff, tokio hotel

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Comments 4

steinsgrrl December 20 2012, 03:56:11 UTC
That little drummer dude was really good! Man, it's like he was born to drum.

Loved the cat breed video. There were actually some in there that I didn't know about. Gorgeous! Thanks for posting these!


kseenaa December 30 2012, 23:07:41 UTC
I know! I've seen so many drummer-kids, it is amazing! And amazed at the parents, because it can't have sounded that good to start... *lol* Apparently drums are popular among kids. And now wonder! They are nice and you get to bang away!

And cats... Gawd, I am SUCH a cat-lady! X-D I so want a Munchkin one day. Can't get them in Sweden, but yeah... One day. Or a Main Coon... Mom loves those, and has them. Gorgeous gorgeous cats... peting73 loves Birma cats, so... We'll see. :-)


zeph317toho December 23 2012, 01:31:30 UTC
I totally agree with you about being busy this time of year. It seems like the older I get, the less enjoyment I get out of the holidays because it’s just so much work and running around. Bah, humbug! xD

Hope Alexandra is doing better by now! You poor thing! Hope she can get her nights and days straightened out again, but it is nice she lets you sleep in sometimes. ;D

YAY, I’m so happy you’re enjoying the fest! And thank you for your lovely, kind words. *blushes* This year seems like lots of twins because that’s what most of the recipients asked for. So, the more Gs writers we get to participate next time, the more stories we’ll get. *hint, hint*

Yikes, what a bad experience with the auction! I’m sorry! Hope he gets on the ball and gets your stuff to you soon. There’s no excuse for him not contacting you right away. Good for you for giving an honest review.

Hope your holidays are wonderful and full of family and fun! <3


kseenaa December 30 2012, 23:16:43 UTC
I'd participate in fic-fests... if I could write! X-D But I can't, so we're screwed there. ;-) I should have pimped it at gs_daily though. :-P Seems like our little corner has ended up being the G-centric place in the fandom on LJ by now...? Since most place that are for the whole band mostly post twins since the G's keep being ninjas. Damn them. :-P

Alexandra is doing much better! I think we have figured out a way of out-smarting her and making sure we all get to sleep better during the nights... ;-)

And the auction disaster, yeah... Bah. But at least I got the stuff on time for Christmas. Or I would have been really screwed. :-P

Holidays were wonderful but busy! But that is how it always is! :-D


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