Christmas, annoying people, fun pimping, music... and life...

Dec 20, 2012 00:08

Christmas is a busy time, ain't it? :-) It sure took some time to get all them Christmas cards/packages/what have you sent off today. Much longer then I thought. But there I go for sending packages all over the world. Sucks with all the paperwork coming with it though. :-P I hope they'll be well received when they arrive. :-)

I forgot to send two off, so they'll be even later. Oh well. :-) That'll be fixed tomorrow. I hope anyway. peting73 gets off work early, so maybe he can watch Alexandra while I fix that... It goes much quicker if I do errands without her after all... ;-) It is a bit of a project to get out of the house with a baby. :-)

She's been somewhat fussy during the evenings lately, and started a bad habit at waking up at around 3am for change and food... Not fun. Especially since afterwards she refuses to fall asleep. :-P Last night she woke me up at 2:45am... and then I didn't get to bed until 4:30am... o.O I have had more fun. Gladly she let me sleep until 9:30am after that, so... But still! Nights are for sleeping, baby girl! I thought we had this down already, since she has been really good and slept through the nights up until now.

Our guess though is that she is starting to get teethes... since lately she has started to drool like you wouldn't believe. In other words... Fun times ahead indeed.

Reading the Secret Santa stories that has started to be posted at th_fanfic. :-) I love fic-fests at that community, since they are always so well organized! HAIL ALL THE MODS! *waves* It's a lot of twincest though. And even though I do so very much try to be supportive off all writers, I just... can't with some twincest. :-P I am not a fan of it, unless the summery shows a really really interesting story idea. I do prefer the G's to be involved in some way, one or both of them. Or hell, anyone else that shows up in Tokio Hotel fanfic. Just... not twincest. Not so much my cup of tea, even if it IS the most popular pairing in the fandom. Fine for those that like it though. Be my guest. I just wish there was more of all the other pairings to balance it up. :-P I'll try to read as many twincest stories as possible, because I DO want to give my support to the writers who has worked SO HARD to get the stories done in time for the fic-fest. :-)

Anyhow, Christmas is almost upon us (oh dear) and even though I have payed for all of my christmas-gifts I haven't gotten them all yet. Because one of the guys I won two auctions from is an idiot. *head-desk*

I won the auctions 3:e of December. But I didn't hear anything from him in THREE WEEKS! o.O That is last weekend I got a mail 16th of December. Day before I had mailed him and before that I had tried to call him, using the number on his contact info. I tried this MANY TIMES, until I got the message that the number was out of order... WTF? So I figured I'd been scammed and put out the worst review ever on his profile, giving him nearly no points at all. Lowest you could give. THEN I GOT AN EMAIL! o.O Full of excuses, mostly that he'd moved and hence hadn't been able to send the stuff off... DUDE! I don't know about you, but it doesn't take me THREE WEEKS to move! And even if it takes me that long to unpack and such, I mean... If you KNOW you have auctions going, wouldn't you, you know... Put that stuff on the TOP of a box? Or in a special box even? *shakes head* The mail was just FILLED with excuses, and not a word if he'd send it to me... and he started talking about what the practice and unwritten rules are on the site... My dear sir... I am in no way obliged to follow any other rules then those written by the site. If I think you deserve shitty reviews, I will give you that. I have, however, agreed to make it a bit better if he manages to send it off so I get it in time for Christmas. I have my doubts, but if he does? I will. Unlike him, I do keep my promises. Just... what a mess. First time I've had ANY kind of problems with online auctions.

I had a TON of luck with one (I got a brand new usually VERY expensive thing for peting73 for peanuts)... and I guess I had to have problems with another just to balance things, I suppose...


Bedtime now and tomorrow! I'll wrap the gifts that have gotten here and make sure the apartment don't look like a total mess... and cuddle Alexandra, of course. ;-)

I'll leave you with some AWESOME vids to enjoy! :-D

First some drumming... You all should know how I feel about drummers, by now. I love them. And that's that. :-)

Tommy Lee of Mötley Crüe fame posted these on his Twitter some time ago. He has apparently been involved in a concert... with just drummers. :-D How awesome ain't that??? And the music is GREAT! Do give these a chance and a listen through!

Berzerk Sizzle Reel Part One and Two:

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I love watching kid drummers to! Many that show such skill at such a tender age! I just hope many of them keep it up. :-)

Shout at the Devil (Mötley Crüe) played by a 6 year old! And he is GOOD!

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Another thing I love is Disney movies... Despite the... strange things that show up in them. :-) So this seriously made me lol! X-D

The 4 worst lessons Disney movies thought us as kids...

The 4 Worst Lessons Disney Movies Taught Us as Kids -- powered by

Anyone who has missed me being a cat-lover hasn't been on my LJ for very long... *lol* Anyway, here's a really cool vid with some of the most uncommon cat-breeds out there! There's a few I would love to either own or meet in real life! :-D

Top 30 unusual cat breeds...

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And now I REALLY need to go sleep! X-D NIGHT!

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

disney, pimping, fanfic, life, music, netiquette, christmas, pissed off, cats, kid, stress, fun stuff, tokio hotel

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