Nearly 10 years of friends... and all for nothing... (LJ vs DW)

Oct 31, 2012 23:28

Right. This is going to be quite a depressing post. So avoid if it bothers you.

But hell. Everyone and their mother are fleeing, so I probably have no readers left, right? :-(

I made my first post on this site 14th of December 2003That's 9 years, if you don't feel like counting. 9 long years.... You make a lot of friends in 9 years, don't you? ( Read more... )

dreamwidth, livejournal, life, stress, ranting, netiquette, friends

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kseenaa November 2 2012, 23:09:37 UTC
I don't care about the money I've invested. I really don't. It is the time and friends that I've invested. That I'll miss. :-/

I'll definitely stay. I have a permanent account as it were.


zeph317toho October 31 2012, 23:20:19 UTC
I know exactly what you mean! *hugs* I've been lurking on LJ since 2004 and my nonfandom account is almost six years old. I really don't want to leave, but I'm saying that as someone who hasn't really spent any money on LJ and doesn't have as much custom stuff as many others do. I understand the frustration that people are feeling and the fear that LJ is changing everything and trying to get rid of fandom things. But, sometimes all these changes don't turn out to be as horrible as first glance shows. I'm more than willing to wait it out and see what happens. But, like I said, I've never had a paid account or gotten used to some of the things that I've heard other people having problems with. So, I don't know ( ... )


kseenaa November 2 2012, 23:20:08 UTC
I have a permanent account and have paid to have some more icons... But really, I don't care about that. That is not important. That's just bling.

I'll stay on LJ. But seeing how many are running the hell away... It just makes me sad, you know? Really really sad. :-P

I've invested my heart and soul in all of my f-listers. And everytime I see one disappear, it kinda guts me. And to see so many disappear? Or even threaten to disappear...? Well...

It'll definitly take some learning. At least posting is the works the same between sites, so that is something, I suppose.


velociraptorx October 31 2012, 23:29:32 UTC
I have a DW but I never use it, I don't even know my login information. I can't leave LJ, I really can't. I haven't looked at the new updates and I'm sure they are ridiculous, as always, but I have too many friends here - I can't just leave. :\


kseenaa November 2 2012, 23:21:05 UTC
I feel EXACTLY the same. I won't leave either. Just crosspost. I feel sad and upset about it, but there you go. :-/ To many people are disappearing on me. *sigh* I pretty much got forced to it, if I want to keep track of my friends.


nupmetal November 1 2012, 00:51:47 UTC
*HUGS YOU* Hey honey, I'm still here, and I'm sure some of your friends are still here!. I have a DW account, and I'm going to add my friends there just in case, but this whole thing shouldn't be a "goodbye". DW has the option of cross-post your entries to LJ, so if people starts updating there, they still can crosspost it an update here too.

I am not leaving LJ, at least not now. I'm relatively new here, only little more than one year really using it, two years since I create the account and started learning how to use it and talk to people, how to be on this crazy, great online world ( my first post were awful, but again, I was learning. Still learning :P) but I love my blog, and my flist, and the communities. I'm part of a lot of communities, I have a great flist. Some people will leave, others will stay...hell, some people left a while ago not because of LJ changes, but because real life or others problems. It happens, and it sucks, I know. But moving to DW shouldn't be a goodbye ( ... )


kseenaa November 2 2012, 23:24:58 UTC
It damn well feels like a goodbye, considering what my f-list has looked lately and what my... friends have posted. *sigh*

Having been here for 9 years, it is really gutting to me to see so many of my friends just... pack up and leave. All the paid stuff and layouts and icons and such... That's just bling. What really matters to me is the people. All of you. My friends. RL happens, not much one can do about that. I've lost touch with friends over that many times, sadly. But losing them over something like this? That is just silly. And sad. :-/

But I won't leave. I just... CAN'T... So yeah. I'll still be commenting all over the place. Like usual. At least I haven't scared you off yet. *hugs*


ledflyd November 1 2012, 05:32:21 UTC
isn't it possible to have Dreamwidth posts automagically forward to livejournal? No reason you can have your cake and etc, etc.


kseenaa November 2 2012, 23:26:58 UTC
Yeah. Posting is pretty much the same between sites, so one can either tell DW to do it automatically or just copy-paste. Either or. :-P Whatever feels the most comfortable for the poster.

I'll be crossposting, but I am still sad about so many leaving or threatening to leave I am forced to follow them, pretty much... Or I'll lose some very close friends. :-/


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