Nearly 10 years of friends... and all for nothing... (LJ vs DW)

Oct 31, 2012 23:28

Right. This is going to be quite a depressing post. So avoid if it bothers you.

But hell. Everyone and their mother are fleeing, so I probably have no readers left, right? :-(

I made my first post on this site 14th of December 2003.

That's 9 years, if you don't feel like counting. 9 long years.... You make a lot of friends in 9 years, don't you? Quite a few of the people I have on my friends list I've followed, talked to for ALL them 9 years. Every single day.

I've spent hours, investing my time in your life, your families, your troubles... your love-life, your sex-life... I've laughed and cheered you all on when things have gone well for you. I've cried with you when something bad has happened to you, and life has kicked you in the nuts. I've offered advice when you've needed it, and even when you didn't. I've fought with you, and I became friends with you again.

I thought it meant something. I thought I had friends here... I did. This was my home. You all were my extended family.

I understand your anger with the changes LJ has done. I've checked the new friends-list by logging in on my daughters LJ, mini_viking. And I agree. It's a pain in the ass.

But unlike so many others, I can't just leave.

LJ is MORE then just a blogging/journal platform for me. I've invested soooo, so much time here. It's my home. You all are my extended family.

And now I am left behind, like it all meant nothing.

I have made a Dreamwidth. Not because I want to. But because I feel forced to. I am not happy about it. Not one bit. I really don't feel comfortable there. But I feel like I have no choice. None. I am forced to leave my home...

My DW:

dreamwidth, livejournal, life, stress, ranting, netiquette, friends

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