When you get your tax-refunds you should never ever plan on what to do with it... Clearly... *grumbles*
I went away early this morning and handed in the car to the mechanic... again... And then when he called back he told me the fault... and that he couldn't fix it before Midsummer's Eve... and that it'll cost more then we'd planned. Around 7500 SEK... (around 1000 USD). FUCK! That is a HUGE chunk of the money we got on our tax-refund... Money we had planned to use for a washing machine (to make life a bit easier when Nerd Jr is born) and on a new TV (since ours have started to act wonky...)
And to make matters worse! We were told that driving long? Was a BAD idea! DOUBLE-FUCK! We had this whole plan to visit my family, my relatives, during Midsummer. I really really looked forward to it! But it is a two hour drive. No can do with car fucked up.
Instead we have to go by train... Going by train in Sweden is lovely! I do love going by train! But it costs a lot more then going by car. :-P And mom has to drive us from and to the train station... 700 SEK for train-tickets for me and
peting73. More money spent. Dammit! (around 95 USD)
And we've fought with this car-trouble since this winter, dammit! Already spent about 5000 SEK on it! (Around 670 USD) So to find out today we had to spend EVEN MORE on said car is... not fun. :-/
So why not buy a new car, you might ask yourself? Well, the car we DO have is a Volvo S60 2001, so it is a very good car normally. This is the first mayor fault on it. To buy a car better then that we would have to pay almost as much as 200'000 SEK. Around 27'000 USD. Money we DEFINITELY don't have...
So it has been a day of economically woes today. :-P
To sort it? We made pie. Apple/pear pie always makes things better? Right? Right... *grumbles still*