Vampire-LARP, life and fun vids!

Jun 17, 2012 23:58

LARP yesterday was a blast! :-D So much fun! So dramatic.... and bloody... and just all around awesome! I had so much fun! Well, my character probably didn't... *lol* She is SO pissed off at the moment, it is hilarious to act out! X-D Jealous like you wouldn't believe. Not to mention, my character got drugged, so hey ho! X-D I got to play high/drunk/not all there to. SO MUCH FUN!

I can feel though that I can't quite stay the full LARP anymore, until 5am or so in the morning. I left at around 2am. I wasn't in pain, but I could feel that my body was a bit strained, you know? Especially my belly. Cue to leave. :-) Had a blast while I was there though. Was fun meeting all my lovely LARP-friends to! They walked around patting my belly when we weren't IC. X-D Dear, dear... Nerd Jr will have a lot of weird and awesome goth supporters growing up!

Well, that was the fun part of the weekend, really. We've both been a bit put down by the troubles with the car. Feels like they are never-ending. :-/ Especially peting73. I've done my best to cheer him up... but I do get what he means. He says it feels like no matter what when we are trying to do something fun... Like going to the beach (1 hour from here) or just go to a trip to Gothenburg... or visit my relatives (that we still will do, and we've both looked forward to)... Just something comes up, and it makes things more difficult (going by train instead) or stops us completely. :-/ It really sucks, and I know how he feels. I still try to cheer him up, even if I don't completely manage.

Long live the internets though! This little gem of a vid made us both laugh our asses off! X-D A laugh we both needed! And yes... Me and spicehobbit will probably be this insane when we grow old! X-D peting73 agreed with this wholeheartidly! Having heard our discussions plenty times!

Anyway, so have a look at these three old grandmas talking about the Kim Kardashian sex tape... while watching it... X-D You won't regret it!

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Another vid I found that sparked quite a long and interesting discussion with peting73 was this one... The stupidity of the woman Anderson Cooper interviews about this Pastor Worley is just... unbelievable! o.O She is dancing on the edge of saying the Holocaust doesn't exist... it's like she has never heard of it!!! WTF!?!?! To people like her it's like... if it hasn't happened in the USA, it hasn't happened or aren't as important! That's what I am getting from seeing interviews like this... Just... Unbelievable!

See it to believe it:

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It did spark an interesting discussion with peting73 though... I do so love to discuss with my man... He is scarily intelligent and very witty, so I never quite keep up with him. :-) Our discussions are quite insane though, as you can imagine... ;-) It brightened him to! A good discussion usually does. ;-)

This one was quite awesome to, and fitted right up peting73s ally! :-D Because it has info from WWII... And he so does love to read history about WWII. :-) I had no idea all them Keep Calm notes had such a long history! Was quite interesting to see, I gotta admit. :-D

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I do recommend checking it out! Was quite interesting!

And to really put a smile on peting73's face, him being a beer lover... Well... This little vid sure helped to. ;-) I found it quite awesome to! The lyrics are very cleverly written!

What's This? A Beer? from Stephen Sotor on Vimeo.

Oh, and I did the meme to... :-) The colour meme that everyone seems to be doing... Most of it fit quite well, I'd say! :-D

you are violet
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the html color quiz

pimping, vampire-larp, kid, life, fun stuff, pregnancy, interesting

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