Renovating room! And all these stories and vids, man!

Mar 26, 2012 00:38

Good news today! We've actually managed to finish of the room this weekend! peting73 has done SUCH a great job this weekend, it is... mind blowing. I am so proud of him. :-) The room looks amazing. Now I just have to clean it up from all the shit in there and such... plus put in the furniture and stuff... :-P

The roof is painted, the floor is redone and we've put up new wallpaper. Total makeover, I'd say. A needed one to. As this progresses the livingroom looks the worst! *lol*

I've been somewhat missing online, clearly, because while peting73 worked on redoing the room, I've been cooking food (for next week to!), shopping, running errands and being an extra hand when needed. So we've kept busy both of us.

I even managed to miss my posting day yesterday at gs_daily! o.O And I try to never do that! (I use Wunderlist who reminds me every other day to make a post.)

Right, so... Have some vids and links that I've collected lately. :-) I hope you enjoy!

First off I want to pimp out one HELL of a fic. No wait, this is no fic. This is an original story written by stoney321. Now, she has been a mormon but is not any longer. No, instead she writes a book about the faith. And then.... apparently... original fics about how it would be to be young and discover you are GAY in such a harsh religion... It is an AMAZING story and I can not recommend it enough.
And it came to pass by stoney321

Go. Read it. What are you waiting for?

And now for some vids from YouTube that I felt I wanted to share with you all. :-)

I stumbled upon this one the other day, and it put a smile to my face... Because it reminds me so much of the time when me and chigrima wrote our masters thesis together... and went to parties on the student union pub in the evenings... We even had a little routine (of sorts) that we did sometimes singing this song! :-D And all because we both followed Neil Gaiman's blog at the time and he wrote that he loved it! Ah, memories..

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This kid Riley who has probably made her rounds on Tumblr and Twitter by now, but damn if I don't find her awesome as she rants about the fact that girl stuff is pink and boy stuff is different coloured stuff...

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Not sure, but I think it was steinsgrrl who posted this in her LJ, and man... it is SO cute! :-D Babies are so, so cute sometimes, aren't they? *grin*

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And on the subject of babies... Now, you KNOW I have a love for cats, right? I adore cats. They are the best animal and pet in the world, according to me. So let's combine the two! Can't get more cute then that, right? :-D And this little vid pretty much melted my heart...

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Not to mention, there is a part two... where the kid and the cat grows older together... I am MELTING watching this! Pretty much how we grew up with cats! THIS is how you are supposed to grow up with your pet, just saying... I LOVE CATS!

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Some other awesome things I've seen that has nothing to do with babies and cats, but are awesome none the less are these vids...

Kevin Smith are just so awesome... talking for gay equlity. No wonder, since his brother is gay. :-) And he puts it in his usual straight up, no apologize, way. :-) I respect that and I find it awesome.

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And this the amazing Ugglefot shared... There are actually those in the UN who are FOR gay rights and equilty. Who knew? Here is speech by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that made me smile.

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Alright, so... Not gonna spam any more on you today. :-) My bed is calling. We had daylight savings time this weekend, and it has fucked some of my sleeping patterns... I hope I'll get my mind in order again during the week.


pimping, fanfic, peting, life, music, interesting, cats, fun stuff

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