New Years Eve! And such....

Jan 02, 2012 00:16

First though, for you that have a hate for the new look of the comments? Here is a fix of sorts if you want to put some work into it:
LiveJournal release 88 tweaksI know some of you on my f-list might be interested in that. :-) See, I am not a total ass? I can agree to disagree, and then give linkage and help. ;-) I really hope that will help some ( Read more... )

brother, livejournal, work, movies, peting, new years, mother, games, mom, unemployment fund, photos

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Comments 9

steinsgrrl January 1 2012, 23:21:10 UTC
Wow, what a meal! I don't think I would eat crocodile but it LOOKS fabulous! I'd be all over that dessert, though. lol

Happy New Year to you and yours, bb. <3


kseenaa January 2 2012, 00:30:29 UTC
We have this tradition every year to try some sort of strange meat... We've gone through buffalo, zebra... and something else, I don't remember.... And now crocodile! It was actually very tasty! Like a mix between fish and chicken. Sounds weird, I know. But very nice!

peting73 IS a brilliant cook. It is a hubby off his to experiment in the kitchen. And I can reap the benefits from that! *lol*


ruchirahni January 5 2012, 08:20:16 UTC
if peting won't tell you the recipe that means it's his job to make it for you whenever you want it :P zach is also like that with some things!

and i am SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU that you have been working so much. i always knew you were the best librarian out there, it has been such a delight to watch it come true right before my eyes. congratulations on a job very well done! <3

a ton of people eat crocodile meat in australia. i'm actually really pro this: it turns out that killing a percentage of crocodiles and allowing locals to profit from the meat/skin gives people in danger of being eaten by them (ie. the locals) an incentive to protect them. can't expect people whose babies get snatched by crocodiles to get all nostalgic about endangered species, but if they make money about it they'll be more likely to do it! (i read about this fact earlier this year and i'm really excited for the opportunity to use it in conversation)


P ruchirahni January 5 2012, 08:20:39 UTC
PS- four star wars?!? sounds like a great new years to me!


Re: P kseenaa January 5 2012, 23:54:54 UTC
Yep! :-D peting73 is currently in a Star Wars fanboy-mode. *lol* He has bought the new game, Star Wars The Old Republic, so he is talking my ears off with Star Wars stuff at the moment... I can just retaliate with discussing gay sex! X-D


Not sure if am the best librarian out there, but I sure get a lot of cudos from those I work with, which is awesome to hear. Being a bit alternative has also proved to be an advantage for me, which I never EVER thought it would be! But there you go. :-D

I can well imagine that in areas where there actually live a lot of crocodiles, they can profit AND protect them at the same time. :-) Hey, I've even heard about crocodile farms... (There are actually ostrich farms here, for some odd reasons....). It was quite a bit expensive (hard to get to Sweden), but definitely a tasty piece of meat to me at least. :-D


Re: P ruchirahni January 6 2012, 00:48:05 UTC
darn, i wish i had known you liked crocodile meat when i was in australia. it's so cheap there: i could easily have picked up some extra crocodile jerky and sent it over t you. oh well, next time! :D


Re: P kseenaa January 8 2012, 20:04:47 UTC
Ha ha ha! Well, I didn't know I liked it until I had tried it, you know? ;-) And I didn't try it until New Years Eve. ;-)


relentlessfire July 26 2012, 08:27:11 UTC
I've eaten crocodile meat too! It's easy to get hold of here in Australia and yes, we have croc farms as well. I totally agree that it's like chicken and fish together!! Great description. We eat kangaroo meat too. My cats really love it XDD

Your man sounds amazing. Lucky you! ^^


kseenaa July 26 2012, 17:27:55 UTC
Well, there are probably more crocodiles there then here in Sweden... *lol* I think they import most of it... I know there are a few wild farms, as they call it, that have exotic (to us) animals they breed for meat, but I am not sure they have crocodiles there. :-) We've tried cangaroo to! Every new years we try a new kind of meat that is weird and exotic for Sweden. :-) It's become a tradition to us! :-D peting73 dreamed about being a cook once, but ended up being an engineer... He is still AMAZING in the kitchen though! And I am well aware how damn lucky I am. :-)


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