Vampire-LARP and young lovers... ;-)

Dec 12, 2011 00:27

Had three days off now... All weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. BLISS, people! I think I needed that. :-) Now I am all excited about working next week. And I got A LOT nicer hours next week to. :-)

Oh, and I talked to that girl before the LARP Saturday to... And... I think I got through to her. I hope I did at any rate. We at least agreed on no LARP-talking at work. And I think she'll stick to it. She got a lot of excuses for... other things, but hey. *shrug* At least her saying no to work and stuff won't make me look bad. More the opposite, since I'll have to take her hours. :-)

So yes. There was LARP this Saturday. And it was SO much fun!

Unfortunately, before the we could even start, it was the yearly annual meeting for the LARP Club. :-/ NOT fun. I have mentioned there is A LOT off younger members in the club, yeah? Well, that is even more evident when ti comes to things like this. Who to be in the board? Who to take care of the clubs money? Who to take responsibility? Shit like that. I was in the board for 6(!) years, and hubby was for two (and he has been involved in quite a few clubs at the student union as have I, so we know how it should work in clubs like this...). I ran straight into that dreaded wall during that last year, so none off us will take a position in that board again. Of course, a lot of people during the meeting suggested us for various positions, but we declined all off them. Of course, since plenty of those in the board are quite young, it is totally cool if they ask stuff, and we do give suggestions (not often, but it happens), so we still care about the club. But we feel like we've done our duty towards it, and just want to enjoy the game as it were. Talked a bit to the newly elected chairman of the board (sounds so fancy in english), who had the same poistion last year. Gave some constructive criticism (he actually asked for that during the meeting... good call...), and some suggestions and answered questions. All cool. :-) If all five of them young people can work together, I think things will go really well during 2012 as well...

The LARP itself was a BLAST! X-D As always, so that is no surprise there, is it? *grin* I got to cuddle up with my friend A who plays my character Frida's master/owner which is always fun... She is just 19 and quite gorgeous... ;-) The two deadly sins Gluttony and Greed decided to come make a visit among the vampires... and there were gladiatory games where vampires fought each other for the glory and honor of the Prince of the city and... for a price, of course. ;-) Was a lot of fun, to be sure! And gladly Fridas master/owner is no longer possesed with an malevolent ghost of a kid.... At least now Frida won't have to listen to Sponge-Bob Squarepants 24 hours a day.... Evil I tell you. X-D And her huge dogs are on demand. More and more vampires wants to buy them from her. She'll have to make a list by now... All the dogs in the current litter are now sold. All 18 of them. X-D Except for three that she'll keep her self. Progress, progress. :-) And she plots with another servant to start infiltrate the gangs of the city... *wicked grin*

A fun discussion started during the OOC-break in the middle of the night though. X-D

I sat and talked to J and P... Two young men who has both played lovers to my LARP-characters in the past. Now, both of these boys have just as athletic and well trained bodies as... oh... Tom K and Georg L maybe...? ;-) And they are both between 20-25 years old. J is in the swedish airforce and was stationed at Sicily where the swedish forces where working with, among others, the french and the american military forces, so yeah... he has worked with the SEAL and gotten there training-program, that he seems to enjoy... The man is nuts. And P? Well... He is into martial arts. And I think he has done it since he was a kid. Just got home from studying martial arts for a year at a school in China, no less... You could say both boys look DAMN good. And they are really sweet and funny friends of mine. They are awesome, them boys.

So I told them how crazy it was that me, who is 34 years old, over-weight and not exactly a good looking old woman... has been playing love-stories with both these boys... at which point both of them laughed at me and said that not many woman at my age can complain about having two too good-looking/handsome past lovers! X-D Pointing out, it was J who said that, and man... I laughed my ass off... The young man has a point!

I really do love my LARP-friends sometimes. ;-) Always makes me smile, they do. :-)

And here is that little quiz thing that makes it's rounds:

Your Soul's Spice is Cinnamon

You think life is pretty great. You do your best to ignore or deal with the small stuff.

You love so many things in this world, and you embrace your passions. You are a warm and happy person.

You act on your instincts and do what feels right. At the end of the day, it's important that you're satisfied.

You are easy going and humorous. You especially have a sense of humor about yourself.

What Spice Is Your Soul?

Blogthings: We'll Tell You The Truth... Someone Has To!

vampire-larp, testresults, friends

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