Writing and then my own brain is scaring me... Plus audio memes!

Nov 09, 2011 00:01

Alright. I am scaring myself. Dammit. I actually thought of a what-if-prompt myself today. And a really good one to. A Torg-prompt: What if Tom was blind? for those TH-fans on my flist. Only one problem. I keep getting ideas. This thing is growing. WTF? I have never EVER written a longer fic before. No really. For the simple reason I can't hold a longer plot. In RPG's, no problem. Since then there is two or more working on the plot. But when writing a fic by myself? Nope. Never done that. This thing has a start, and I keep getting more and more ideas. My gawd... o.O I am scaring myself. I have no ending though. I feel like I need an ending. I need someone to discuss this with... HELP!??!?!!! *squeaks in fear of own brain*

So instead of a drabble for today, you'll get some memes. These voice memes has been waiting for me to tackle them, so I'll just do that. But first, the background/wallpaper meme. :-)

1. Go to your desktop and take a screenshot of it exactly as it is right now.
2. Open a graphic program, paste and save.
3. Post the picture. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop if you want. You can explain why you prefer such a look or why it is full of icons.

Alright. I have Windows 7 on my computer which makes it possible for you to create desktop-themes. So my wallpaper changes every 30 mins. :-) Currently I am on my Mötley Crüe theme. ;-) So it is Mötley Crüe all the way! Fuck yeah, motherfuckers! :-D

This is my favorite. :-) It is just so... them. X-D (All desk-top images can be clicked for bigger, should you want to.)

And here is the rest of the wallpapers in my Mötley Crüe theme. :-)

Thougth it would be Tokio Hotel, didn't ya'? ;-) Well, to be fair, I do have a Tokio Hotel theme to. *grins*

Talking off the German boys... Here's the audio Tokio Hotel meme that thilia started:

Your name and username
Your age
Your birthday
Where are you from?
How long have you been a fan?
How did you find out about Tokio Hotel?
What is your favourite Tokio Hotel song?
Who is your favourite member of Tokio Hotel?
What is your favourite Tokio Hotel pairing?
Say the following words/names: Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, Georg Moritz Hagen Listing, Gustav Klaus Wolfgang Schäfer, durch den Monsun, in die Nacht, rette mich, reden, lass uns hier raus, spring nicht, zeig mir deine Pflaume, David Jost, Natalie Franz, Geisterfahrer, Magdeburg, Devilish
Sing your favourite Tokio Hotel song ;)

My TH answers: Part 1, Part 2

And after that REALLY fucking embarrassing moment.... *blushes like hell over fucked up singing* Lets do an easier meme, right? :-P I kinda need that after that.


Giraffe, predominantly, Edinburgh, Cardiff, London, watermelon, journal, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Worcester, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,pronunciation, bucket,supermarket ,Primark,haddock, cute, hilarious, oblong, country, toodle pip,lush, tidy,The Game, laughter, Scone, Plaid, Bananas, teapot, pasta,very few cars made it up the long hill, Beard,Chicken, Look / book, ask,water, knickerbocker glory,Pandemonium,How now brown cow, England, Scotland,Wales, Northern Ireland, Penguin, I’m not a pheasant plucker, I’m a pheasant plucker’s son, and I’l keep on plucking pheasants till the pheasant plucker comes.Don’t forget to be Awesome, Jaffa Cakes, Army boots, Are you my mummy? -random word of your choice- Mötley Crüe

My accent reading: Right HERE

Aaaand... the something else I am going to do is go hide under a blanket... I am still fucking embarrased over my singing... Should have deleted that one... *hides under said blanket*

wallpaper, mötley crüe, my writing, audio, music, tokio hotel, memes

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