Fainting people at work... and Sketchavember ficlet!

Nov 07, 2011 00:37

Been working at the library today. Was supposed to work just 4 hours, but when I had 30 mins left... one of my colleagues came and grab a hold off me asking me if I could stay on for two more hours? Of course, I agreed to do so and asked what was up? (More then it being one HELL of a busy day today! What is it with a ton of people coming to the library on a Sunday?). Anyway, we were five people working in the big library today, and the oldest B fainted. Twice. o.O And refused to go home when she was steady on her legs. Oh no. She was going to continue to work, dammit! *shakes head* Stubborn old ladies, just saying... She is pretty cool. Clearly been a hippie when she was young and has some really awesome stories to tell. But she is stubborn and tough. A bit to much so at times, clearly... She was OK for the rest of the day, that she was... But seriously?

Right so... Onwards!

Todays Sketchavember isn't really... a drabble thing... I don't even know what to call this thing, but... Yeah... It is a sorta comparison piece... thing... whatever. X-D I got inspiration for it from THIS post in twispitefic. :-) So yeah, it is supposed to make fun of how various guys acts in various situations compared to the every day creep Edward Cullen of Twilight fame (or is it shame?). I hope it'll give you a grin or two... :-)

Author: KSena aka kseenaa
Rating: PG13? I think?
Fandom: Twilight/Pirates of the Caribbean (ignoring the last movie)/Buffy the VampireSlayer (ignoring the comics)/Xena the WarriorPrincess
Pairings: Ehr… None?
Warnings: None
Word count: 1355
Summary: Comparing Edward Cullen with a normal guy, Captain Will Turner, Xander Harris and Joxer the Mighty!
Disclaimer: Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyer. Pirates of the Caribbean belongs to Disney et al. Buffy the VampireSlayer belongs to Joss Whedon et al. Xena the WarriorPrincess belongs to Sam Raimi et al. The normal guy most likely belongs to himself…
Authors Note: I’ve seen a ton off these comparing Edward Cullen to other guys… I just had to do my take on it with the characters I’ve played in various roleplaying games here on LiveJournal. Much love to ruchirahni for checking this over for me!

A normal guy would say: “I love you Baby!”

Edward Cullen would say: “You are my life now.”

Captain Turner wouldn’t say anything. He would just hug you close and look deeply in your eyes.

Xander would just say: “I love you.” Plain and simple. And mean it.

Joxer would take his time and stutter nonsense and probably fall over and… then not say it at all but run away because he didn’t dare to.

Normal Guy would say: “I think I am falling for you.”

Edward Cullen would say: “The Lion fell in Love with the Lamb.”

Captain Turner wouldn’t say anything, he would just admire you from afar.

Xander would schedule errands nearby just to be around you, stumble and mumble and finally get out: “I… kinda like you… a lot. Yes, I like you that way… But it is OK if you don’t like me back! I mean, I’m no great catch, and I have bad luck all the time and demons seem to have a thing for me (no, really!), plus I help my friends all the time and… I really should shut up now, shouldn’t I?”

Joxer would hold a torch for you for years and wouldn’t say a thing until he was certain you wouldn’t laugh in his face… Then he would confess his feelings in the most poetic way he could find.

Normal Guy would say: “You hair looks like a haystack; go brush it!”

Edward Cullen would say: “Your hair looks like a haystack but I like it.”

Captain Turner would say: “Here you go. Might help.” and give you a pirate bandana, smiling a little knowing full well how it is- what with living on a ship…

Xander (who shouldn’t talk) would say: “Straight from bed and missed the mirror?” then he would duck, apologize, and help you detangle your hair.

Joxer would say: “I got it from my mother!” and give you a broken brush from somewhere on his person…

A normal guy would pick a random song from a random artist and dedicate it to you.

Edward Cullen would sing you a song he wrote for you while playing the piano.

Captain Turner would find one of his crew to play you a sea-chanty…

Xander would pick the song you two first danced to.

Joxer would teach you how to sing the song Joxer the Mighty and then make up extra lyrics to include you….

If you died, a normal guy would find another.

If you died, Edward would kill himself because life without you is not worth living.

If you died, Captain Turner would ferry you to the afterlife himself and then grieve for years upon years, but he would move on. Eventually.

If you died, Xander would be heartbroken for quite some time, but he would be too busy helping his friends stop yet another apocalypse or find baby-slayers in need of training to be able to grieve for too long. But he would always remember you.

If you died, Joxer would drink himself into a stupor, wake up ashamed and hung over… then cry over you and try to do something heroic in your name.

As you left the house, a normal guy would say: “Bye, see ya!”

As you left the house, Edward Cullen would say: “Come back to me, love.”

As you left the house (ship) Captain Turner would say. “Be careful.”

As you left the house Xander would say: “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

As you left the house Joxer would say: “Good luck!” and give you his best sword (the one with the least rust)

When you came back home, a normal guy would be watching TV and wouldn’t even notice.

When you came back home, Edward Cullen would welcome you by playing the piano with a song just for you.

When you came back home (or to the ship) Captain Turner would smile, confident in your strength but happy to see you well…

When you came back home, Xander would hug you and then get the first aid kit; then dress your wounds himself…

When you came back home, Joxer would have made you a cake… and it would be delicious even if it looked like something from Hades…

A normal guy would wait for you to make him breakfast.

Edward Cullen would make you breakfast every day.

Captain Turner would have his ships cook make you breakfast and serve it in his cabin.

Xander would make sure you could make breakfast together and then eat it together too.

Joxer would give you a rabbit to skin and cook. It had big teeth, OK?! Hence the scratches on his arms…

When you two go out to dinner, a normal guy wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off the sexy waitress.

Edward Cullen wouldn’t even notice the waitress was a female.

Captain Turner would make sure it was very special since he could only go on land once every ten years… and he would only have eyes for you.

Xander would notice the waitress was female, and would make a comment about you having nicer [insert bodypart of choice] than her.

Joxer would have a problem knowing where to look, then blame the fact he is a man and can’t help himself.

While driving, a normal guy would keep one hand on the wheel and one hand on the radio.

While driving, Edward Cullen would keep one hand on the wheel and the other attached to yours.

Captain Turner would let you on the wheel off the Flying Dutchman… but he’d be right behind you the entire time, in case you need it (and to tell his crew to keep their mouths shut).

Xander would keep one hand on the wheel and grab your hand with the other randomly when he could do it safely…

Joxer would sit behind you on the horse... then promptly fall off and tell you he meant to do that!

When the two of you were far apart, a normal guy would say: “I miss you.”

When the two of you were far apart, Edward Cullen would say: “It’s like you’ve taken half of myself with you.”

When the two of you were far apart, you would hear Captain Turners’ heart in the Dead Man’s chest and know it beats only for you.

When the two of you were far apart, Xander would send you silly gifts and postcards, tell you that he missed you and hoped you missed him (at least a little?)

When the two of you were far apart, Joxer would collect gifts for you that he would lug around until he could see you again and give them to you.

A normal guy wouldn’t care or notice if you had nightmares.

Edward Cullen would sing until your nightmares went away.

Captain Turner would take you out on deck and teach you how to navigate with the help of the stars until you could go to sleep again.

Xander would hold you and listen to you as you told him your nightmares; then kiss you and hold you until you fell asleep again.

Joxer would be scared by your nightmares, but bravely say he would fight them away anyway!

A normal guy buys you flowers and chocolate.

Edward Cullen would buy you a car.

Captain Turner would give you a sword he forged himself, and teach you how to use it.

Xander would buy you a tool kit and an axe… then teach you how to use both.

Joxer would pick a huge bouquet of flowers himself; then blush furiously and dare not look at you when he gave them to you.

A normal guy would have sex with everything that moves.

Edward would only do it with you.

Captain Turner would be faithful to you for at least your entire life…

Xander would confess that he learned some seriously kinky stuff from his ex, so nothing surprises him anymore… but would be faithful to you once you had him.

Joxer is the most popular customer at the brothel (for a reason one would guess) but would OF COURSE deny this … enough said. But he would be faithful to you, once he finally had you…

work, my fanfics, pirates of the caribbean, buffy/angelverse, xenaverse, my writing, sketchavember, twilight

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