Games and Meme - A touching moment...

Oct 07, 2011 01:03

Been working today for four hours, and it went quite well... until the end off it when my throat hurt SO BAD! Once home though I DRENCHED IT in tea, and now I am fine again. I think it was because I put strain on it talking so much with visitors helping them find books and such.... So, yeah. Apparently the throat is sensitive still, even if it is on the mend. I hope it'll get better and better now. I think it is. :-)

Also, our electric kettle died on us the other day... just when I had gotten into my tea-craze... (Which still have me do WTF-faces at myself...) So I bought a new shiny one today. :-) Now it is easier ot continue my tea-insanity. :-P

And.... I ordered a new game. Since I have the first one already, and damm... if I don't love it... And I didn't know there was a part two... And just found out. Dude. These games... SO FUCKING AWESOME!

American McGee's Alice...

Alice in Wonderland... on crack. No seriously. The phrase: "We're all mad here..." takes on a WHOLE new meaning!

The quality ain't very good, but here is the trailer for the original game:

image Click to view

It is a very tricky... and very sick... little game. I love it. I still have it and play it now and then. Also, Cheshire Cat in that game? He fucking rules.

Yes, I have contemplated to get a tattoo with that cat now and then...

ANYWAY! I didn't know it, but apparently in July this year.... A new game was released.

Alice: Madness returns. o.O

And I found the trailer. Showed it to peting73. And we both looked at each other, and he was just: "Order it." We both ADORED the first game, so there was no question about us wanting the second one. And judging by the trailer...? It will be even MORE insane!

image Click to view

So we just ordered it. AND Sons of Anarchy Season 2. (I do so VERY much recommend that TV-show!). So we can sit here and go all fangirl/boy over that series. It really is awesome.

Now I can't wait for that package to show up!


Day 01 - Introduce yourself
Day 02 - Your first love
Day 03 - Your parents
Day 04 - What you ate today
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Day 06 - Your day
Day 07 - Your best friend
Day 08 - A moment
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Day 10 - What you wore today
Day 11 - Your siblings
Day 12 - What’s in your bag
Day 13 - This week
Day 14 - What you wore today
Day 15 - Your dreams
Day 16 - Your first kiss
Day 17 - Your favorite memory
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday
Day 19 - Something you regret
Day 20 - This month
Day 21 - Another moment
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry
Day 25 - A first
Day 26 - Your fears
Day 27 - Your favorite place
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Your aspirations
Day 30 - One last moment

Day 17 - Your favorite memory

Oh good gawd... I have so many WONDERFUL memories, it is hard to pick just one... o.O Anyway, I'll try to, 'K?

First one that jumps out at my mind is the moment I returned home after a year in the USA. My plane was delayed from Boston... but I did catch my plane in New York... but that was delayed as well... which in turn made me miss my flight in Amsterdam. I had to wait there for four or five hours, I think. At this point, my mother has told me, she my father and my brother was already waiting in Gothenburg for me complete with a huge bouquet of roses. Checking with information though, they found out my flight was delayed and went to have dinner while waiting. This was in March. In Manschester, New Hampshire, where I'd spent my year, it was already warm almost like in summer... In Sweden it had been a snowstorm, so there was a lot of snow and it was cold as hell. Anyway, so there they were, waiting for me... and me? Well, I slept on the marble floor of the big airport in Amsterdam with my feet on one bag and my head on another... when awake I was listening to people speak swedish... something I hadn't heard for a year.

Finally I was on the plane and continued my travel, four or five hours late. The flight from Amsterdam to Gothenburg was uneventful, and then I touched down on swedish soil after one year and one month away from my country. I remember I was SO nervous! And giddy. And excited. And just... so much emotion, I remember... Walking through customs, finding all my luggage... I could hear someone shouting my name, and looking up, I saw my family... Mom, Dad, my brother waving and shouting at me like idiots... :-D Standing on some sort of ledge where they could look down on the arrivals. And I did just the same... Shouting up at them, jumping up and down! I saw my Dad taking a photo off me, and then we just raced to the doors... I had to stop and deal with a customs officer of course, before I could finally throw myself in the arms of my family!

We were crying and laughing, and mom handed me her wilting bouquet of roses and we laughed at it and we hugged and kissed some more. I even got hugs and kisses from my brother, and he is NOT a hugging person normally! :-D He teased me, saying he could look down on me now, I remember. And it was true! When I had left for the US a year earlier I was taller then him! When I returned he was taller then me! :-) It was very emotional and we were just happy to be together again!

This was in 1997 and I can still to this day remember it all. :-) It was a tough time for all off us that I took the decision to live in another country for so long, but it was good to. I grew up a lot, learned a lot... It was a good thing for me. :-) And my parents thought so as well, once they got over the shock. ;-)

brother, touched, pimping, work, health, life, shopping, dad, games, mom, family

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