Geezes christ. This is just the second time I have been this emotionally effected by a fanfic. First time was years and YEARS ago when I was quite new to fandoms, new in the Xena-fandom... Before LJ and I just traveled forums and such.... What can it be? More then ten years ago? When I stumbled upon
DJ Redhawks story Warlord Metal. You can still read it
online, in it's original fanfic-form, but I highly HIGHLY suggest
buying the book itself, I really do. It is in my own bookshelf.
To this day I say Warlord Metal is the fanfic that has touched me the most...
But now I have started to read a story that is nibbling in Warlord Metals heels, the story that has held the nr 1 trofé among the fanfics I have read for more then ten years...
King of Kingz by Raiju... I am reading it right now, and I have read 24 chapters out of 111... If it keeps it up like it has... It is going to push Warlord Metal off it's throne. Just saying.
So that's what I've been doing today. That and playing World of Warcraft, thinking of stories for my wonderful bloodelf... I haven't had this much fun playing World of Warcraft in years... (and I've been active in that game ever since December 2005). I am contemplating writing a short story of my current two main characters... *ponders* I'll have to think about that some more.
My throat still hurts like FUCK every time I swallow (not to mention how much it hurts when I cough...). It is NOT fun, let me tell you. I sound like I've been living of whiskey and cigars... I drink insane amounts of tea, which is wearding me out. Just a few days ago, I hated tea. Now it is the only thing that keeps my throat working. No, I haven't been to work today. Nor will I tomorrow. I am so sick of this shit... It's been going on since Friday. Mom called today and said it would probably be a good idea to check with a Doc.
peting73 thinks so to. I suppose I will call them tomorrow. :-P
I also remembered I never finished this meme off, so I figured I should. And since it has been some time ago since I started it, I am now linking to each answer... You know, if you'd like to read them or anything. :-) Yes, I am that bored. :-P Shut up.
Day 01 - Introduce yourself Day 02 - Your first love Day 03 - Your parents Day 04 - What you ate today Day 05 - Your definition of love Day 06 - Your day Day 07 - Your best friend Day 08 - A moment Day 09 - Your beliefs Day 10 - What you wore today Day 11 - Your siblings Day 12 - What’s in your bag Day 13 - This week Day 14 - What you wore todayDay 15 - Your dreams
Day 16 - Your first kiss
Day 17 - Your favorite memory
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday
Day 19 - Something you regret
Day 20 - This month
Day 21 - Another moment
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry
Day 25 - A first
Day 26 - Your fears
Day 27 - Your favorite place
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Your aspirations
Day 30 - One last moment
Day 15 - Your dreams
My dreams? My dreams are to spend the rest of my life with
peting73. And always and forever have
spicehobbit as my best friend.
The rest? It doesn't matter. If I have those two and my brother with me, I can deal with anything and everything.