Drabbles for the 30 Minutes of Creativity. Post II.

Sep 19, 2011 18:50

Alright, so here are two more drabbles! :-) I hope you enjoy reading them. And I blame the prompters, OK! X-D ANYWAY! I'll go grocery shopping now, and write the last two when I return.... Unless anyone else wants prompts? I'll be doing this until midnight Swedish time, so get those prompts in if you want to! Right HERE!

Title: Silence
Author: KSena aka kseenaa
Rating: PG13, I think?
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairings: Georg/Gustav
Warnings: None.
Word count: 393
Time Writing: 20mins
Summary: Gustav can’t stop feeling guilty about the way he talks, his constant stuttering…. Georg is good at distraction.
Disclaimer: The Tokio Hotel boys own themselves, thank you. This is just written for entertainment, and I don’t make a single dime on it. Unfortunately.
Authors Note: Written for lilliephoenix‘s What-If-Prompt: What if gustav has a stutter when he speaks english, and that's why he doesn't talk a lot in interviews? G/G, please?

“Hush… You don’t have to talk to me...”

Gustav closed his eyes feeling just slightly better as Georg kissed his neck...

It had been one hell of a day... No, scratch that. It had horrible day. He knew that the Japanese fans, had a thing for him, he knew this... But he hadn’t been prepared when they’d thrown questions at him about Bills clothing and style and what not... Gustav knew he would do pretty well if he kept his answers short, like one word short, or if he could stick to German... But the interviewer was pushing, even if Bill, bless him, cut in at times as did Tom. Even Georg had done that, and they were usually quite content with leaving the show to the twins. Now he’d had to talk. And as soon as he tried to get more than three words in a row, it was like they got stuck in his throat, couldn’t get out... And Gustav hated it. Fucking hated it. That he was such a weight for everyone else... It was better to be quite then...

“Justhel. You are thinking. Stop that.” Georg murmured somewhere around his navel. Gustav looked down, and he smiled a little his mind going blissfully empty, because that view really was a view to savor... “You know...” Georg murmured giving said navel a kiss, before leaning up again. “I don’t care. Twins don’t care. So stop beating yourself up about it.” And then he throughly kissed Gustav stopping him from answering.

“But...” The management... the fans...

“No buts. You know it is true.” Then he gave him another kiss. “Talking about butts... no more talking, hmmm?” and he gave Gustav his sexiest grin, and grabbed a hold of Gustavs hips, trying to wiggle his fingers down his pants to find said ass...

Gustav grinned. He really did love Georg, and the way he could make him feel better about himself was downright legendary... “And who said you would get a piece of mine tonight?” he just said, raising an eyebrow, not getting caught on a single letter... Leaning up and grabbing on to Georg, he flipped down over, so it was Georg on the couch instead, making Georg laugh at him.

Then Gustav kissed him, and tried to wiggle his own hands down Georgs pants. “So stop me from th-th-th-thinking then...”

Title: Ending it…
Author: KSena aka kseenaa
Rating: NC17, I think?
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairings: Georg/Gustav, Tom/Bill
Warnings: Character Death, Depression, Addiction
Word count: 451
Time Writing: 32 mins.
Summary: Things goes from bad to worse as time goes by when one of them is gone...
Disclaimer: The Tokio Hotel boys own themselves, thank you. This is just written for entertainment, and I don’t make a single dime on it. Unfortunately.
Authors Note: Written for domina_malfoy‘s What-If-Prompt: What if, after losing Bill to a car accident, the Gs help Tom get enough time alone to join Bill in the after life?

“FUCK, Hagen! It ain’t right!” Gustav exclaimed frustrated, slamming his hand in the wall so hard it actually creaked. Then he sighed, and sat down heavily on the couch. “It just... ain’t... How the hell can he ask us that?”

Georg was already in the couch and sighed. Yeah... How could he... But everything had been fucked up ever since... since that night...

They’d been on the way to the EMA’s in Berlin. The twins loved to drive, Georg and Gustav knew that. It was a way for them to just throw all the stress and less glamor’s parts of their lives off their shoulders and just be... And both twins were good drivers. As both Georg and Gustav knew, having taken rides with them plenty of times. Gustav was the only one without a driver’s license. So he and Georg had gone alone. Bill and Tom had gone separately.

But Bill had lost control of his car... and hadn’t been able to steer away from oncoming traffic... There hadn’t been anything left of the car or Bill…

Nor Tom... It had been two years ago, and they’d try to keep him up, help him and support him, but to no avail. Tom hardly left his house. Their house.

They’d watch him wither away little by little... No smiles. No jokes. Nearly no talking. The press had been insane for a whole year, but at least they left them alone now... more or less. Seeing all the articles about fans killing themselves sure didn’t help matters...

And now it seemed like Tom had taken inspiration from them, wanted to join Bill. Georg and Gustav, not to mention Simone and Gordon, had stayed with Tom so he would never be alone this last year since they first found him with a razorblade in the bathroom... They’d even taken him to a shrink, but he’d bullshitted his way out of that. Tom was good at that. Talking. Bullshitting his way out of things he didn’t want to do...

But Georg and Gustav had seen what Simone didn't... That Tom had lost it. His will to live. It just wasn’t there. Even if they tried to fool themselves, the evidence was right there staring them in the face... The needles... the bottles... the empty fridge... Tom’s dead eyes...

And yesterday...

Leaning his head back on the couch, Georg sighed... “He is doing it anyway, Justchel… Killing himself. It just goes slowly.”

Gustav locked away, knowing it was true.

Finding Gustav’s hand with his. “They’ve never been apart, Justchel. I... don’t know how we’ll be able to face Simone, but... I think I know what we can do...” Georg said quietly, and leaned towards Gustav...

my writing, drabble call, my fanfics, tokio hotel

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