Drabbles for the 30 Minutes of Creativity. Post I.

Sep 19, 2011 15:22

Here is the first post of drabbles for today. I don't know yet how many there will be. But I suppose we'll see. :-) I had damn fun writing these, and so far I think I'll be able to write all I've gotten as it were. :-)

If you've missed it, you can ask me for Tokio Hotel drabbles HERE. Be my guest.

Again, note that these have NOT been betad. Constructive critism is welcome, but... don't be to harsh, yeah? First time I write in this fandom. :-P Please point out grammar and miss-spelling though! I suck at that. ;-) (And not in a good way!)

These are for thilia, steinsgrrl and hexenhasel. Enjoy. :-)

Title: Eyes
Author: KSena aka kseenaa
Rating: PG13, perhaps?
Fandom: Tokio Hotel, Buffy The VampireSlayer
Pairings: Uhu… Depends on how you squint?
Warnings: None.
Word count: 247
Time Writing: 15 + 5 mins.
Summary: It had always been something weird about Sunnydale...
Disclaimer: The Tokio Hotel boys own themselves, thank you. Buffy the Vampire slayer and its characters belong to Joss Whedon, et al.
This is just written for entertainment, and I don’t make a single dime on it. Unfortunately.
Authors Note: Written for thilia‘s What-If-Prompt: What if... the TH boys lived in Sunnydale? XD Random idea. *g* They can be vampires or not - up to you!

The floor was filled with people... mostly young singing along with their songs... Bill was on fire that night, Georg could see as he leaned back moving with the music. Bill had the dancing audience in the palm of his hand. Looking back he shot a glance at Gustav, who gave him a smile behind his drums. It was a good night at the Bronze, and they would probably stay at the club until the sun came up again...

Looking over, Georg saw Tom scooting over towards him and they did an impromptu solo leaning against each other so close Tom’s guitar almost hit his bass. Georg grinned when he heard the cheers from the girls and boys by the stage.

Georg did miss one in the audience though. But Tom saw. Again. And he gritted his teeth as he and Georg finished off their set with Bill at the front of the stage, nearly falling down in the audience. Electric blond hair... black leather... and pale sharp cheekbones. Again. That guy had been there EVERY single night this last month, keeping his eyes on Bill the entire time.

Tom had a sinking feeling all the rumors about what was going on in Sunnydale... was not just rumors... he could see it in the cold blue eyes of the pale guy by the bar... Cold blue eyes who didn’t leave Bill for a second... And he was afraid this night would not end like they usually did...

Title: Set up
Author: KSena aka kseenaa
Rating: PG, I think?
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairings: Georg/Gustav
Warnings: None.
Word count: 455
Time Writing: 20mins
Summary: Bill and Tom are sick and tired about hearing Georg and Gustav waxing poetically about each other... and does something about it.
Disclaimer: The Tokio Hotel boys own themselves, thank you. This is just written for entertainment, and I don’t make a single dime on it. Unfortunately.
Authors Note: Written for steinsgrrl‘s What-If-Prompt: What if...the twins know the Gs have it bad for each other but won't admit it, so they set them up on a blind date with each other?

Bill was so excited he could hardly sit still in the car, and he couldn’t help but giggle a little. Tom, on the other hand was less amused.

“You sure you said the right time, Tom?”

Tom groaned. “Yes, for the 100th time. I did. You know they’ll kill us, right? Or torture us forever...”

“Nonsense, Tom! This is a great plan! Besides, it was you who said you were feed up with listening to Gustav talking about how beautiful Georgs hair is...”

“Ugh... Don’t remind me... It was painful.”

“And you don’t want to know what Georg talked up with me, brother dear...” Bill gave Tom a wicked grin and winked at him.

“GAH! No, I DON’T! My virgin ears...” Tom exclaimed painfully and put his hands over the ears in question.

Bill just snorted. “Please. There is not a part of you virgin. We live in the same house, remember...”

Tom didn’t even dignify that with an answer, just poked his tongue out at Bill, who hit him over the head. “Shut up! Georg is here...”

And for the moment their fight was over, instead they looked out the window seeing their friend walking up to the restaurant. Georg had dressed up, but not overly so... Bill suspected he didn’t know how to. Then again, neither did Gustav. And his hair was, if possible shinier than usual. When he disappeared in the restaurant, Bill clapped his hands and grinned. Tom just shook his head, but a smile did play on his lips. Bills plan was insane, as Bills plans usually were...It was a simple plan, and hence more dangerous. Bill had called ahead and booked a very nice table at the restaurant, telling the staff there to do their out most to make sure Georg and Gustav would have a very nice, private romantic, dinner... They probably would, Tom mused, considering the VERY hefty tip Bill had left them. The whole dinner was paid for. Their friends all had to show up. Tom just hoped they would stop being so fucking stubborn and just TELL each other already! He, for one, was damn sick of seeing all the glances those two had sent each other for the last year... Every time they’d meet up...

Just a few minutes after Georg had disappeared inside the restaurant, Gustav showed up. For once, not in shorts... He too had dressed up some.

“Bill... Should I be worried about them dressing up? Do they know?” Tom asked, looking as Gustav disappeared inside the restaurant.

“Don’t be silly! How could they? It is the perfect excuse. You and me buying our best friends dinner! We’ve done that 100s of times!”

Tom groaned... “They ARE going to kill us...”

Title: The boy
Author: KSena aka kseenaa
Rating: NC17, most definitely!
Fandom: Tokio Hotel, True Blood
Pairings: Eric Northman/Gustav, Eric Northman/Godric
Warnings: Non consensual, Rough sex, Blood play, Abuse, Drug addiction...
Word count: 469
Time Writing: 26mins
Summary: Eric has found a way to stop the boredom of a long, to long, life... And the boys... have found a new employer...
Disclaimer: The Tokio Hotel boys own themselves, thank you. True Blood and its characters belongs to Alan Ball, et al. This is just written for entertainment, and I don’t make a single dime on it. Unfortunately.
Authors Note: Written for hexenhasel‘s What-If-Prompt: What if.... Gustav became Eric Northman's new 'boy toy'? ;)
Authors Note 2: I don't know the colour of Godrics eyes... If they match...

“Don’t bore me.” Eric said coldly and slammed the boy against the wall, careful not to use his full strength… He didn’t want him to end up into a bloody pulp. “I know you want...” and he pierced his tongue with his fangs before letting them slip back again. “... this...”

No answer. Eric respected that in such a young boy. He never said anything, always let those eyes talk... Eyes like Godrics... Instead the boy just nodded, and Eric gave a smirk. “Good boy...” and leaned forward, kissing him hard letting just a little of his rich blood slip into the boys mouth... Eric could feel how greedily he was lapping for it... wanting it... wanting more... And he grabbed a hold of his dick, already growing hard in his lose shorts...

Another off Erics dealers had found those four boys not long ago... when they’d tried to drain a young fledling*. It hadn’t taken much to talk them into dealing for him instead... since he not only payed in cash, but in blood to. Such simple things... Humans...

Throwing the boy over his desk, Eric squeezed himself before pulling the boys shorts down... Those fucking eyes always got to him... Can’t have that. And he had such a nice body... A strong body. He would probably last longer than most... Not caring about preparing him, Eric pushed in... It always got a sound out of him, and he wanted to hear him...

“Gah! Oh gawd... SHIT! Ah... Fuck...”

And there it was... Eric smirked a bit, smelling the boys blood in the air... Leaning over him, he licked his neck, feeling the pulse thrum hard under the thin skin... Biting his neck next to an old scar, Eric could feel how the boy got more frantic under him, the pain more or less forgotten... mixed with pleasure now... Such sweet delicious blood... Tinged with pain, fear and pleasure... Just the right mix.

“No... Yes... Geezes, PLEASE!!!”

Not even touching him, Eric just let go of the wound and whispered in the boys ear. “Come.” And he did. Hard. Marking his desk. Again. The way his warm body clutched around him, more or less pulled Erics own orgasm out of him... And he filled the boys bleeding ass silently, nearly pushing both boy and desk across the room...

Pulling out he kissed the inked wings on the boys back. Freedom. Pathetic. Humans were never free... They just thought they were... The boy was sprawled on his desk, totally beat. Pulling him up, Eric looked at him. Then he bit his wrist, giving him some more of his blood... That would heal him. Until next time...

Then he pushed him out the door... Yes... For once... Eric actually thought it would take a long time before he got bored...

* Very young inexperienced vampire...

my writing, drabble call, my fanfics, true blood, tokio hotel, buffy/angelverse

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