A groomed librarian?

Apr 27, 2011 23:09

I think I am being groomed ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

tainted_sanzo April 27 2011, 21:57:45 UTC
I think that is good news for you. ^_^


kseenaa April 28 2011, 05:29:36 UTC
It is. It most definitely is. It is very flattering that they seem to want to keep me and think that I do a good job. :-)


tainted_sanzo April 28 2011, 14:39:42 UTC
Of course they think that, you rock missy!

I am happy for you! *Huggles*


kseenaa April 28 2011, 21:47:48 UTC
*grin* THANX! :-D


itzerikaaa April 27 2011, 22:07:57 UTC
gracefully decline lol


kseenaa April 28 2011, 05:28:30 UTC
As tempting as that is.... (and gawd it is so tempting) that would put me into trouble with the unemployment support.... and make my chances for another job smaller, if you get what I mean? It is a very tough school to work with, and I am just a librarian.... I can't even imagine the work the teachers put down. :-P


ruchirahni April 28 2011, 04:03:16 UTC
<3 you don't have to accept any job that you don't want to, just remember that! also i found this by the same guy you posted awhile ago and i loved it. i know you will too:



kseenaa April 28 2011, 05:23:57 UTC
I do know that. :-) Thing is, it might get me into trouble with unemployment support AND make my chances for another job smaller, you know? So we'll see, we'll see...

Oh, and that vid was HILERIOUS! X-D Same guy who did this one.... I love this one to. :-)


ruchirahni April 28 2011, 13:03:33 UTC
i know i watched it on your lj a few weeks ago and now i'm completely obsessed with this guy


kseenaa April 28 2011, 21:47:13 UTC
No wonder. :-) He is very good!


chigrima April 28 2011, 13:14:28 UTC
A bit scary, but at the same time a great chanse!


kseenaa April 28 2011, 21:46:34 UTC
Yeah... It is all 50 / 50 at the moment, so... I don't know what might happen. :-P At least I know they think I do a good job, which is all of the good. :-D


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