A groomed librarian?

Apr 27, 2011 23:09

I think I am being groomed...

Yep. My boss / colleague at work is grooming me to take over after her, I fear... And I am not even sure I wanna work at that library! There are kids from 28 different countries there... Immigrants / refugees. Bad memories. Troubled home life... The works. It is NOT easy being a school librarian there, let me tell you. And now my boss / colleague who both the kids and the teachers there adore, have applied for a better job, being a boss of two libraries instead of this little one. I mean, good for her, but I wonder what will happen at this school when she leaves? And holy shit I feel sorry for the one that is going to take over after her... who ever that is. SO much shit to do at that place, geezes...

Anyway, been busy at work these days. (And I don't have half the responsibilities and reading-projects that my boss / colleague does...) Tomorrow I'll be working at the bigger library close by for a bit before going back to the school library again. AND it is a Thursday. I really don't like Thursdays. :-P

Ah well. Nothing to it. Soon time for bed, I suppose. :-) I hope everyone has had a good start to this week.


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