Aug 01, 2009 11:50

*eyedart* Playing the part of the drag queen shall be Chiwetel Ejiofor. No, it's not Lola but still.

July 2 - Green Parrot Bar, Key West, FL
"'s a bright green flash just along the top of the sun right when it goes under the horizon. Just lasts for a second or so, they say."

"Really? Is it an atmospheric or astronomical phenomenon or-"

"Honey, that's how the scientists talk about it. Me, I think it's magic."

"Huh. Oh, Wyatt! Come and meet Cathy, Cathy O'Lay. Isn't that clever, it's like the coffee in New Orleans, remember?"

Wyatt did remember, and did think it was clever, but he was too busy staring at Ambrose's companion to articulate anything. Tall with smooth dark skin and hair that fell in cinnamon-shaded ringlets around broad shoulders, the...person offered him a bright smile and held out their hand. "Pleased to meet you, Wyatt."

"You too, um-" The hand was soft and well-manicured, the fingernails painted bronze, and Wyatt gave up and finished with "Ma'am."

The response was an approving grin from Cathy, who adjusted the strap on her shimmering gold halter dress and crossed her legs, which drew Wyatt's attention to her high-heeled ankle boots.

"He's a little old fashioned," Ambrose stage whispered conspiratorially before taking another sip of his margarita.

"He's a gentleman," Cathy corrected and patted Wyatt's shoulder. "I was just telling your friend here that you've got to get to Mallory Square for sunset. It's a little touristy but a party's a party."

Wyatt recovered enough to nod slowly. "That it is. Thank you."

Cathy nodded ad got to her feet. "Well, I'll leave you fellas be." She turned to Ambrose and they exchanged cheek-kisses. "You'll be at the show tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

She smiled again, nodded to Wyatt, and headed off, heels clunking on the wood floor.

With a shake of his head Wyatt took the barstool Cathy had abandoned. Ambrose was still staring after her.

"She's gorgeous," he murmured.

"You do know that was a man, right?"

"Of course, Wyatt, don't be silly," Ambrose scoffed, then gave him a sly look. "Are you jealous?"

Wyatt blinked. "No! I mean...well. A li- no. Okay, I don't know."

Ambrose put an arm around his shoulders sympathetically and kissed him temple. "Have another margarita, it'll sort itself out."

foon, fic: tin man

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