Teaser for 1x04!

Jul 28, 2009 11:06

Title: Twister City, 1x04 Two Little Princesses (1/?)
Author: kseda
Rating: PG
Characters: EVERYONE EVER (for a complete list see here - AND YES THE CAST LIST HAS BEEN UPDATED)
Summary: The life and times of the Gailman sisters. ~Hooray flashback episode!~
Disclaimer: Tin Man is not mine. Contrary to popular belief Topeka isn't either.

episode title card: Two Little Princesses
VOICEOVER (child Dorothy): Tell me a story.
fade in
VOICEOVER (child Katy): Once upon a time there was a beautiful young princess.

Azkadellia Gailman, age five, was indeed a princess part of the time. She had a beautiful green dress with sequins and puffy sleeves (plus a juice stain down the front) and a (slightly bent) magic wand made of plastic with sparkly green and silver streamers (frayed and mangled) on the tip. Her crown was plastic silver with a pink plastic jewel set in the middle, and she ruled the kingdom of her backyard with grace.

Everything was perfect, until her baby sister was born.


William held Azkadellia propped on his hip while Lavender dressed Dorothy in her own little princess gown of red. Az sulked, but still her father brought her closer.

The infant Dorothy looked up with wide blue eyes, then smiled and reached up with tiny hands toward the wand's streamers. For a moment Az hesitated, then waved the wand a bit, which made Dorothy giggle.

Az smiled too, and decided that maybe having a little sister wouldn't be too bad.

From then on, the two little princesses were inseparable. They even made friends with a little wizard.

Two years passed and Katy, no longer dressed as a princess, was teaching Dorothy the alphabet.


"Good, and what else?"


"Come on, Dotty, what else starts with A?"

Dorothy looked around the playroom, and then her eyes lit up and she pointed over her sister's shoulder. "Am'rose!"

Katy turned to look and grinned. Ambrose stood in the doorway with a shy smile and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Hi Dot," he said with a small wave. "Hi Katy."

And together they had amazing adventures.

It was dark and two sets of feet were pounding through the grass. Katy and Ambrose, both about ten now, were gasping as they ran, their flashlights occasionally catching gravestones.

Eventually Katy stumbled to a stop, Ambrose a step behind her. Both looked around frantically and Katy called out for her sister.


VOICEOVER (teenager Katy): The princesses kept getting older, and sometimes they weren't always friends.

Katy wore a beautiful green prom dress, and her hair was done in elaborate style with a small braid running down the center. However tears were threatening her makeup as she dashed around her room.

"You must have misplaced it," her mother told her, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Have you tried-"

"I've looked everywhere!" Katy wailed. "And I know I put it right back in the box, I know I did!"

In her room across the hall, Dorothy slipped a necklace with an emerald pendant into her jacket pocket and hung it in the closet.

Then the older princess was put under a wicked spell.

Katy pulled a pipe from between her lips and smiled in euphoria.

Not even the wizard could help her.

The door to the secondary bio-chem lab had a window, and every now and then a shadow would flit past. Voices could be heard, one male, one female, one desperate, one childish, both pleading.



"But you have to!"

"I don't know!"

"You do, you know everything!"

"No, please, I don't- Katy-"

VOICEOVER (adult Katy): The only one able to break the spell was her little sister, and the princesses became closer than ever.

Dorothy and Katy sat on the edge of a dorm room bed, Dorothy brushing out her sister's hair and humming a lullaby. She began singing softly.

"Spinning fast and freely on their little toes-"

With a sigh Katy got to her feet and paced, her black graduation gown swirling about her.

"It's just you?" she asked her sister.

Dorothy smiled and nodded. "And I'm not going anywhere."

Katy smiled, a hint of her old self shining through.

VOICEOVER (child Dorothy): And did they live happily ever after?
VOICEOVER(adult Katy): ...well-
opening credits


twister city, fic: tin man

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