Life: Fic Rec Master List

Nov 11, 2008 11:01

I can hear you all going "WHAT." Now I do not read much Life fic, I just... kinda don't and can't really explain that. I find shipping in the fandom incredibly hard but thankfully there's a lot of gen to make up for that. This list will get added to occasionally.

Hot Off The Presses
What Happened Between Us by dsudis (PG-13) - Ted spent two years watching Charlie battle through the sucking swamp of appeals, and let Charlie be his batshit crazy cop in shining orange, because that was what Charlie had to be, to be Charlie at all. So yeah, they Totally Did It while in the joint and are so very gaymarried now ♥

The Impossible Fandom Collision Of Joy
Live Every Day Like Your Hair Was On Fire by luchia13 (R?) - And that was how Charlie Crews met Ambrose. There was no way I was not reccing this and you all know it.

Tour de Fruit
Walking Miles by revelininsanity (PG) - They're in the future. He doesn't need to do paperwork now. There are really no words for this one. It's beautiful and touching and I can read it over and over again.

Life babies ficlet by aj (G) - She also needed to remember to ask Charlie to invite her over for dinner again. In which Charlie is ten, Dani is seven, and they are staking out Roman's house to find out how he is blackmailing the older kids. *happyflail*

Personal Canon, Let Me Show You It
Five Times Charlie Crews Didn't Tan (and One Time He Got Burned) by denynothing1 (PG to R) - "You may not have noticed, but while we've been chatting the earth has kept turning, as it inevitably does. So move a little more to your left, would you, Ted?" Sure, the timeline's a little borked (oh how I hate you NBC) but the surrounding PRETTY more than makes up for it to a huge degree.

Good God Damn That's Hot And Flaily
The Fabrics Series by revelininsanity (up to NC-17 LIKE A LOT) - Nope, can't pick a sentence. It's Reese/Crews and yes I put the 'ship in that order for a reason because sometimes the only way to deal with your insane out of control partner is to tie him the hell up and take control yourself. Oh, sense-making not-really-gratuitous BDSM, how I love thee.

Ted is LOVE
Night For Many Miles And Then by annakovsky (PG) - He gives you a PowerPoint report on how your money's doing every Thursday, it's pretty cute. It's second-person POV and present tense, I should hate this, but I do not. I rather adore it to a high degree. *clings*

I need to read moar in this fandom, seriously. NOTE TO OTHER LIFERS: I like arty mindfuckery, and the fandom seems prone to it but I am weirdly gunshy about hunting it down. Am I missing anything painfully obvious?

fic rec master list, fic rec: life

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