walking in a winter shithole-land...

Feb 13, 2007 03:58

A local town has made the BBC newsfeed!


"Reports from New York state say 10 days of heavy snowfall has left snowdrifts of up to 12ft (3.7m) deep - a record if confirmed by meteorologists.

A state of emergency has already been declared in and around Oswego county, with squalls leaving behind at least 7ft (2.1m) of snow in the area."

(The photo in the article, I just realized, is in the town of Oswego, which is only about 10-15 minutes away from here.)

*I* am in Oswego County. What a thing to be known for internationally, eh? Haha.

Our cat Rufus is from the town Redfield that's mentioned in that article. According to most of the news people around here, they received a total of 144 inches during the past week. I'm glad we rescued him from there, or his big kitty butt would be buried right now!

Wayne Mahar, one of our local meteorologists, is going to be on The Today Show (I think) today too, if any of you watch that.

It's not so bad here, to be honest--the snowbanks are about as tall as I am, but that's not that unusual an occurrence for this area. I was actually at a friend's house when the week-long snowfest started last Monday. The Fulton schools were closed every day but Friday, and Friday there was a two-hour delay... and my brother didn't have school at all last week.

Insanity. It also sucks major ass because it makes it really difficult for me to get out of the house! I really need a car. Or maybe a snowplow would be a better idea. That would probably be fun to drive... *ponders*


winter, weather, cny, snow, news

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