early morning miscellany

Feb 10, 2007 08:06

Item #1:

Dear BME,

In the past, I've submitted photos of my various piercings to your site, which I love. Some of them have been rejected due to not being of a high-enough resolution, which is totally understandable. My digital camera is not of the highest caliber and occasionally I find myself unable to take a decent-quality picture with it.

However, I'm almost certain that the pictures you rejected are of a better image quality and a larger size--and the piercing in the photo much more noticeable/prominent--than in this photo.

I've got your number, BME. The girl in that picture is a hot blonde, and she's posing in a seductive manner, which made your collective dick hard and thus convinced you to post it to your septum gallery despite the fact that her septum piercing is practically indistinguishable from a blip in the photo's lousy grainy texture.

Seriously. What the fuck? If my recently submitted septum stretch photos get rejected, I'm totally going to actually send you this letter and not just joke about it on my LJ.

Temporarily No Love,

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Item #2:

Bernard Woma is performing at Onondaga Community College this afternoon (I think? his website and the college's website say two different things). He's this performer from Ghana who does African drumming workshops/concerts at various colleges in the US--I know him because he came to my school a couple times. I MUST GO. I've already made posts to a couple Syracuse/CNY communities looking for a ride, like a desperate asshole... and just now saved some bus schedules that may make it a possibility. This motherfucking snow may pose a problem, though. *seethes* I wish I was in that phase of early licensed-driverhood (or whatever) where I could borrow my parents' car/s. My mom's is a ridiculous stick-shift, and I can't drive that above first gear... and my dad... who knows where the fuck he is. If I asked to borrow his car he'd probably just start in on me about looking for a job.

Um, Dad. I need a car to get to practically any job that might be viable for me around here. Chill the fuck out and help me find one plz thx bye.

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Item #3:

I'm staying up "all night," yet again. My sleep schedule is utterly fucked. I have nothing to fucking do, so I just choose to sleep all day because my dreams are infinitely more interesting than my life of late. Especially lately: I've been having some doozies. There was one the other night that seriously made me consider writing a film script based on it when I woke up. Foster homes, sleeping in bathtubs, lack of love, a mummified baby discovered in the trunk of a car (likely inspired by the stories I've been reading about one on CNN.com lately)... it would have been great. Only now I can't remember much of it at all. :(

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Item #4:

Despite what my language may imply in this post, and the gloomy-ish lyrics I posted in my last entry... I'm in this sort of great mood. And it sucks, because everyone else is having issues of some sort, so I feel guilty when I'm all "YAY!!" inside and want to talk about it. I'm realizing lately I'm sort of ego-centric: whatever's going on in my world is what I'd like to be going on in the whole world. Hopefully I'm not obnoxious about it, and I certainly recognize it and try to keep it tucked way down deep.

Anyway, yeah; I sort of feel like the clouds are parting a bit, or like I'm on the verge of peeling away the grimy, depressing layers that have been obscuring my true self for far too long now and I'll emerge as some sort of radiant, gorgeous butterfly (or moth! moths are pretty!).

We'll see if anything comes of it...

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Item #5:

I love our cats.

That is all.

bme, carlessness, ranting, music, unsent letters, dreams

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