Poking my head in to beg for money... ;)

Jun 23, 2013 21:18

Hey all! I know I've been super quiet lately. These old blogging sites just ain't what they used to be. :P

But I have some important news: I was accepted to a summer intensive workshop at AXIS Dance in Oakland, California. AXIS is a physically-integrated professional dance company, which means that they work with dancers both with and without disabilities, and use the bodies folks have to choreograph profound, beautiful pieces. Here, check out a bit of one of their professional productions:

image Click to view

Earlier this year I found out about their summer intensive. I applied thinking I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell, not having any past experience with dance other than passionately throwing myself into it at the club. But I tried to exemplify that passion as best I could, and apparently it worked, because I was accepted.

Here's video about the 2010 Summer Intensive. Lots of wonderful quotes from the participants.

image Click to view

I've wanted to dance since I was a kid, but at some point gave up on that dream because as a person with a disability, you simply don't see bodies that work at all similarly to your own in any of this performance art stuff. I never thought I would get an opportunity like this one.

The problem is, I don't have much extra money to spare on gas to travel to Oakland, California. I need a bit of a boost to help me achieve this dream.

In addition to this workshop, I also have the opportunity to attend a conference in Las Vegas related to people whose lives are impacted by my specific disability. I'm living with a family with a young daughter who has arthrogryposis, and the mom of the family has offered to let me stay in one of the hotel rooms she's reserved for the conference.

Again, all I need's the gas money, and a bit extra with which to feed myself. Vegas is even further of a drive than Oakland.

So check out the fundraiser page I've set up, linked below. Donate what you can--even just five bucks helps! That's more than what a gallon of gas costs, which will get me a bit over 35 miles with my fantastically fuel-efficient Honda. :) And signal boost, if you know anyone with some extra dough to blow on a stranger. ;) I'll send postcards!!!

Thanks a bunch. I will keep you posted...

(Also posted at http://daughtercell.dreamwidth.org/357535.html. There are
comments there.)


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