(no subject)

Jun 12, 2012 01:46

Second-guessing myself will probably be the death of me.

Living with Matt had been working mostly okay, but I think it was mostly because he had been on bedrest for the better part of this year and so "our" apartment was essentially just mine. Now that he's around more, we're getting into piddly little fights all over the place and I am feeling keenly a need for my own space.

I have this wonderful fantasy in my head about staying in Maine, building my starting-to-be-fantastic social network here, and being happy and content for awhile to come.

Then I worry my energy for socialization will fizzle out, or I'll fuck it up, and I'll end up here alone and lonely.

(Also posted at http://daughtercell.dreamwidth.org/354083.html. There are
comments there.)
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