(no subject)

Apr 05, 2011 02:16

After a few-weeks-long bout of nearly daily vomiting and subsequent visits to two different emergency rooms, Matt is home(ish) and doin' good. I say "home(ish)" because he's actually staying at his mom's. He's not supposed to be crawling due to paralysis and knee wound issues, and our current suck-ass apartment is not conducive to anything but crawling. So I'm here, he's there. At least we're in the same town again rather than me taking 45-minute one-way trips to Portland to see him. :) He spent a few weeks in New England Rehab Hospital down there, exercising and getting back into the swing of life post-surgery and post-embolism. Things are going well and I'm very pleased.

Our suck-ass apartment may not be our apartment for much longer. There's a building on Brunswick Avenue right here in Gardiner that Matt's sister Mary used to live in which was recently acquired by a local property management company and which is in the process of being renovated. Mary is disabled, too, and there's a ramp right there waiting for us. We've contacted Vallee Property Management a handful of times thus far expressing our severe interest and dire need to move (haha), and we're anticipating being in there sometime in the next few months.

In preparation of moving, I'm trying to get stuff better organized here so it won't take us TOO long to pack and get the hell out of here. That's a variably successful endeavor. I've been feeling kind of angry with my body lately because I'm feeling really stiff, sore, and lacking in energy lately. Blah.

The one thing that will kind of suck about this new apartment is that there are no laundry facilities. I think I'm going to invest in some light, flowy robes to wear to answer the door in and such and just be naked a lot of the time to cut back on laundromat trips. Teehee!

(Also posted at http://daughtercell.dreamwidth.org/348336.html. There are
comments there.)

apartment, moving, matt

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