The landlord has been in and out of the building a couple times this afternoon and I sort of wish he'd come knock on our door since we (I) haven't yet sent the rent check for the month. Matt was not feeling well and neither was I, so he didn't get his check deposited until yesterday and thus hasn't been able to give me his half, and I didn't have enough in my account to pay for the whole amount. If he'd just come demand to know where it is, I could easily give him the money without having to go to the ATM to deposit Matt's half, rifle through the trunk of my car for an envelope, try to find something to hold the envelope together with because the glue has probably dried out, and then have to go to the mailbox.
But then I'm not dressed and I don't have my braces on, and we still need to take the air conditioner out of the window like the landlord asked us to. So it's probably better he didn't. :P
I think I'm kind of depressed, but I'm managing to get done the things I need to do, for the most part. I just don't really feel like going out and doing much other than the basics, and I kind of want to be left alone a lot. It's quite possible that the cooler temperatures and decreased daylight hours are contributing to this.
Decided against NaNoWriMo because I didn't need another thing to procrastinate on. ;)
School is going pretty well except for statistics--it's not that I'm performing poorly in the class, it's that I'm totally lost about 85% of the time about how everything relates to everything else. I can manage to get through the homework and the (take-home) quizzes and exams, and do well on them, but it's with a LOT of time and outside help, lol. I will probably retain almost none of it past this semester.
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