two new tags, and how they would work as a title in the movie of my life

Sep 18, 2010 04:00

If you're looking to check out some embarrassing teenage angst of mine, NOW IS THE TIME. I'm in the process of making private all my old entries from 2002 until now. Not sure where I want the cutoff to be--when I get there, I'll know, I suppose.

I've also been organizing posts with tags, which I suck at. Genres in general are a puzzlement to me. I find it really difficult, categorizing and generalizing things. It's probably part of why paraphrasing stuff and writing research papers stresses me out so bad. Anyway, yeah, I came up with two new tags for my journal entries and I realized that my journal's content, and maybe even my life in general, can be summed up thus: "best laid plans" and "stressing about unnecessary shit."


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