Promise - Part Three

Jan 05, 2009 07:55

Title: Promise - Part Three
Author: KSaiko_No_Lady
Pairing: HikaInoo, TaDaiki, TakaYama, YabuHikka & InooDai (kind of)
Rate: PG-13 For kisses. ♥
Genre: Fluff, angst
Summary: After some wild misunderstandings, will the six boys regain their memories of the one past they've suffered? Or will more misunderstanding unravel?
Notes: Some Summary. =.=  I don't get why summaries are such a big deal to me. I guess it's because I'm a perfectionist. NOT.
Let's just get on with it and read, okay? Okay. :DD AND YESH, I've decided to use smaller print.
Previous Crap:
Promise Chapter One Promise Chapter Two _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

I stared at myself in the mirror. How could Kei mistake me for that.. that CHIBI??

Biting my lower lip, I punched the glass, shattering it.

My bloody knuckles stung with pain but I didn't care. Nothing didn't matter anymore.

To think I thought kei was that lowlife bastard who left me.

Tears formed at the corner of my eyes. I couldn't stop them from rolling down my cheeks.

Sobbing, I slid to the floor and covered my face.

What did I do wrong to deserve this? Why am I am who I am today?

"Wow, Hika. Looks like you've gotten into some trouble."

Not wanting to look up, I buried myself deeper within my arms.

"Care to tell me what happened?"  I felt a warm presence next to me and sobs roared threw my throat again.

Hands reached around me, pulling me closer to its chest. "There, there.Hika, It's okay..."

I felt safe in this person's arms. I never wanted to leave this warmth.

But there are times when happiness turns to fright. And that time happened when he asked me, "What's wrong?"


"Yuuyan...?" I called. He smiled and lightly brushed my cheek with his fingertips.

"Don't worry. I'll be right back, I promise." I nodded and watched him leave the room.

"You must be Arioka Daiki The Chibi." Kei chuckled.

I frowned and hit him. "I am not a chibi. And how do you know my name? Stalker much?"

He sat down next to me staring out threw the window. I looked clearly at his face and found myself drooling.

Wiping my mouth, I cleared my throat. "Ano.. How do you know my name?"

He didn't say anything for awhile and I thought he didn't hear me.
But then he looked at me square in the eye and said, "I'm sorry.. But I'll come back. I will."

That soft, girlish tone... those lovely brown eyes...

And that one smile with those promising words. He did come back. For someone else.


"He promised.." I repeated over and over again. The hot flowing tears never stopped dropping on my already damp sleeves.

"Who promised?" Someone said. His voice was familiar yet at the same time unknown.

"Your Yabu's little kohai right?" I couldn't any of these questions.

I felt some pressure on my right arm and looked up. He was touching me.. the tall guy... Yuuyan was it? or Takaki?

"Why are you crying? Kohai's shouldn't be crying..." He smiled warmly and continued to rub my back soothingly.

I shrugged and went back to staring at the marble flooring. "Boku wa Yamada Ryosuke," I introduced.

"Takaki Yuya." He pointed at his face and laughed. "Gomen.. I shouldn't be butting in your business."

"N-No!" I cried as he stood up. "S-Stay with me... P-Please.."

Ruffling my hair, Takaki resumed to accompany me. We talked and laughed...

But I had this feeling I knew this person... Like I've seen him before.

And I regretted that we met again because I've hurt his love, Dai-chan... Which means I hurt him, too.


"Maji?? You really whacked him in the face?" Takaki laughed.

I nodded. "Yup. It's his fault for waking me up too early!"

He shook his head and ruffled my hair.

Then we heard a sniffling above.

And there was his Dai-chan, crying. "You promised.."

Takaki immediately stood up, stuttering. "Dai-chan.. I can explain."

"There's nothing to explain.School's already ended."

"I'm sorry, really." He reached to hug him, but Arioka jumped away.

"I want... to.. break up." He clenched his fists and turned away.

"Matte yo, Dai-chan! Is it because of this! It's just friendly chat!!"

But Arioka continued to walk until he stepped through the exit.


~~The End~~

mutli-chap, tadaiki, yabuhikka, hikanoo, fanfiction, inoodai, takayama

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